Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1283

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O8TH CONG., 2n SESS.-CH. 827-JULY 3, 1948 than the percentage of its parity price as of the beginning of such marketing year determined from the following table: The level of support shall be not less than the fol- lowing percentage of the parity price: If the supply percentage is: Not more than 70--------------------------------------- 90 More than 70 but not more than 72------------------------- 89 More than 72 but not more than 74-------------------------- 88 More than 74 but not more than 76------------------------ 87 More than 76 but not more than 78------------------------ 86 More than 78 but not more than 80------------------------- 85 More than 80 but not more than 82 ---------------------- 84 More than 82 but not more than 84 -

83 More than 84 but not more than 86------------------------- 82 More than 86 but not more than 88------------------------- 81 More than 88 but not more than 90----------------------- 80 More than 90 but not more than 92 ---------------------- 7 79 More than 92 but not more than 94------------------------ 78 More than 94 but not more than 96------------------------- 77 More than 96 but not more than 98------------------------- 76 More than 98 but not more than 102---------------------- 75 More than 102 but not more than 104 ---------------------- 74 More than 104 but not more than 106--------------------- 73 More than 106 but not more than 108---------------------- 72 More than 108 but not more than 110 --------------------- 71 More than 110 but not more than 112 ---------------------- 70 More than 112 but not more than 114---------------------- 69 More than 114 but not more than 116 ---------------------- 68 More than 116 but not more than 118----------------------- 67 More than 118 but not more than 120 ----------------------- 66 More than 120 but not more than 122 ---------------------- 65 More than 122 but not more than 124---------------------- 64 More than 124 but not more than 12;f--------------------- 63 More than 126 but not more than 128------------------------ 62 More than 128 but not more than 130 ---------------------- 61 More than 130 --------------------------------------- - 60 "(3) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section- "(A) the minimum level of price support to cooperators for any basic agricultural commodity shall be 120 per centum of the mini- mum level determined from the foregoing table, if acreage allot- ments are in effect at the beginning of the planting season for such commodity, or if marketing quotas are in effect at the begin- ning of the marketing year for such commodity; but in no case shall the level of price support for any commodity be increased thereby above 90 per celntum of its parity price as of the beginning of the marketing year; and "(B) the level of price support for any basic agricultural com- modity normally marketed in any marketing year with respect to which marketing quotas have been disapproved by producers shall be 50 per centum of the parity price of such commodity as of the beginning of such marketing year. "(4) The level at which the price of corn shall be supported for cooperators outside the commercial corn-producing area shall be 75 per centum of the level at which the price is supported for cooper- ators in the commercial corn-producing area with respect to corn. "(5) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the level of price support to cooperators for any crop of tobacco for which marketing quotas are in effect shall be 90 per centum of its parity price as of the beginning of the marketing year. "(c) The support price for any nonbasic agricultural commodity shall not exceed 90 per centum of the parity price for the commodity as of the beginning of the marketing year or season in the case of a commodity marketed on a marketing year or seasonal basis, and as of January 1 in the case of any other commodity. Any price support operation undertaken with respect to either turkeys or chickens shall Corn. Tobacco. Nonbasic agricul- tural commodity. Turkeys or chick- en. 62 STAT.] 1253