Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1308

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 832 -AUG. 10 , 1948 Acquisition of proj- ect by Administrator. Conveyance of title to Administrator. in whole or in part, first, to the reimbursement of the amount of the difference between such expenses (exclusive of any premium charges previously waived hereunder) and such income, and, second, to the payment of any premium charges previously waived hereunder. "FI NANCIAL STATEMENTS "SEC. 706. With respect to each project insured under this title, the Administrator shall provide that, after the close of each operating year, the investor shall submit to him for approval a financial and operating statement covering such operating year. If any such finan- cial and operating statement shall not have been submitted or, for proper cause, shallnot have been approved by the Administrator, pay- ment of any claim submitted by the investor may, at the option of the Administrator, be withheld, in whole or in part, until such statement shall have been submitted and approved. "PAYMENT OF CLAIMS "SEC. 707. If in any operating year the net income of a project insured under this title is less than the aggregate of the minimum annual amortization charge and the insured annual return, the Admin- istrator, upon submission by the investor of a claim for the payment of the amount of the difference between such net income and the aggregate of the minimum annual amortization charge and the insured annual return and after proof of the validity of such claim, shall pay to the investor, in cash from the Housing Investment Insurance Fund, the amount of such difference, as determined by the Adminis- trator, but not exceeding, in any event, an amount equal to the aggre- gate of the minimum annual amortization charge and the insured annual return. "DEBENTURES "SEC. 708. (a) If the aggregate of the amounts paid to the investor pursuant to section 707 hereof with respect to a project insured under this title shall at any time equal or exceed 15 per centurn of the established investment, the Administrator thereafter shall have the right, after written notice to the investor of his intentions so to do, to acquire, as of the first day of any operating year, such project in consideration of the issuance and delivery to the investor of deben- tures having a total face value equal to 90 per centum of the out- standing investment for such operating year. In any such case the investor shall be obligated to convey to said Administrator title to the project which meets the requirements of the rules and regulations of the Administrator in force at the time the insurance contract was executed and which is evidenced in the manner prescribed by such rules and regulations, and, in the event that the investor fails so to do, said Administrator may, at his option, terminate the insurance contract. "(b) If in any operating year the aggregate of the differences between the operating expenses (exclusive of any premium charges previously waived hereunder) and the gross income for the preceding operating years, less the aggregate of any deficits in such operating expenses reimbursed from excess earnings as hereinbefore provided, shall at any time equal or exceed 5 per centum of the established investment, the investor shall thereafter have the right, after written notice to the Administrator of his intention so to do, to convey to the Administrator, as of the first day of any operating year, title to the project which meets the requirements of the rules and regula- tions of the Administrator in force at the time the insurance contract 1278 [62 STAT.