Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1325

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Agricultural experiment stations, ap- propriation for ---------- __ __ _ 508, 51' Agricultural land resources, appropria- tion for conservation and use _ - - -- _ 52i Aerial photographs, restriction on charging of cost----------.----- 521 Claimants, payment to- ----------- 521 Agricultural Research Administration- Appropriation for----------- 64, 512, 1037 Buildings and improvements, appro- priations available; limitation- _ _ 513 Alaska- National-forest lands, use and occu- pancy------------------------ 10C Research on agricultural problems, appropriation for-------- 508, 509, 513 Alcohol plants, Government-owned, cer- tain- Operation and maintenance, author- ized; appropriation authorized- 1235 Transfer to Department------------ 1234 Aliens, employment of--- _

_- 530 Animal Industry, Bureau of- Appropriation for-------------- 514, 1037 Condemned animals, indemnity for; limitation------------------ 515, 516 Protection of employees------------ 757 Apple production estimates, restriction- 512 Appropriation Act, 1949------------ - 507 Arid and semiarid areas, water facilities, appropriation for---------------- 529 Bankhead-Jones Act. See separatetitle. Butter, process or renovated, appropria- tion for carrying out provisions of designated Acts----------------- 516 Cass County, Minn., condemnation of lands, reservation authority ------- 338 Cattle grubs, eradication, research and investigation authorized; appro- priation authorized -------------- 458 Claims, appropriations available for payment --------------------- 530 Commodity Credit Corporation. See separatetitle. Commodity Exchange Authority, ap- propriation for------------------ 528 Cotton. See separatetitle. Crop information, disclosure of or specu- lation thereon, penalty----------- 790 Crop insurance, speculation in stocks or commodities affecting--------- 790 Crop insurance agreements, interest of Members of Congress in--------- 859 Crop reports, false, compilation or issu- ance, penalty------------------- 795 Cultural surveys, restriction on use of funds for----------------------- 511 Dairy Industry, Bureau of, appropria- tion for------------------------ 516 m Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Disbursement, Division of, Treasury Department, transfer of funds Page to ---------------------------- 409 East Lansing, Mich. , r egional poultry laboratory, appropriation for con- struction at--------------------- 513 Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, functions respecting procurement of surplus agricultural commodities under ------------------------. 147 Funds and authority; cancellation of appropriation rescission ------- _ 148 Employees engaged in preservation, etc., of wildlife, protection of---------- 756 Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of- Appropriation for------- 64, 517, 519, 1037 State, etc., co operation requirements for control of certain diseases - - 518 Experiment Stations, Office of, appro- priationfor---------__------__- 514 Extension Service, appropriation for- _- 512 Farm Credit Administration. See sepa- rate title. Farm labor supply program- Administration, recruitment, etc., appropriation authorized- _ - 1238, 1239 Appropriation for---------------- _ 1032 Farm Tenant Act. See separatetitle. Farmers- Flood damage, 1948, appropriation for loans--------------------- 1038 Pur farmers, loans to, availability of funds --------------------- _ . 1192 Inducted, certain, payments with respect to Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act ------- 626 Farmers' Home Administration, appro- priation for-------------------- 528 Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, delay of liquidation of mineral interests reserved to U. S . as re- quired by --------------------- 1166 Farming materials, appropriation for purchase ----------------------- 526 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1948, func- tions under-------------------- 1106 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. See separate title. Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation. See separate title. Federal intermediate credit banks. See separatetitle. Field offices, restriction on use of funds for --------------------------. 510 Fish, restriction on use of funds for work relating to---------------- 509 Flood control. See uder Rivers and Harbors. - -