Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1327

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Production credit corporations, avail- ability of funds -------- ___----- 1191 Regional Agricultural Credit Corpora- tion of Washington, D . C.- Availability of funds __ ---._ --- --- _ 1192 Reentry in areas or regions where economic emergency, etc., has occurred, authorized ------ ____ _ 529 Regional offices, restriction on use of funds for maintenance ----------- 511 Remount Service, transfer from De- partment of Army; appropriation authorized--.- __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ - 197, 198 Appropriation for -_--_--_----____ 1037 Report, annual, printing and binding of- Appropriation for --------- -------- 510 Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for-------- 436 Reports to Congress- Agricultural research, administration of grants and coordination of re- search with States------------- 514 Alcohol plants, recommendation for disposition-- ____ _

__ --- _ 1235 Flood control, supplemental, if au- thorized ------- __--------_-- 4 Research and Marketing Act of 1946- Appropriation for effecting provisions of----------------.--------- 508 Research contracts, foot-and-mouth disease, authority of Secretary__ 198 Research laboratories, regional, appro- priation for -------------------- 519 Rubber, research on, appropriation for_ 513 Rural Electrification Administration- Appropriation for-------------- 529, 1038 Loans- Authorization, increase ---------- 218 Fund for, provision for borrowing from Treasury Department--- 529 TVA loans, refinancing, inclusion of municipalities in provisions for------------------------ 1070 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for- 508 San Francisco radio office, use of funds for maintenance of -------------- 510 Secretary- Office of, appropriation for --------- 508 Presidential succession ------------- 677 Soil-building, etc., practices, funds avail- able for ------------------------ 525 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act- Amendment, payments and grants of aid, duration of authority of Secretary of Agriculture-------- 1250 Appropriation to effect provisions of --------------------------- 525 68706--49 -PT. I 82 V Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Soil Conservation Service- Appropriation for; limitations .. ___- Missouri, approval by central State agency of soil conservation agree- ments ------------------ Solicitor, Office of, appropriation for -_ _ Special research fund, appropriation for- Strategic and critical agricultural mate- rials, research on, appropriation for_ Strikes against U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in, etc ..-- --- --- -- Exception, certain emergency work - Sugar Acts, appropriation to effect pro- visions of; limitation____________ Superior National Forest, Minn., con- solidation of areas within ------ Appropriation authorized ... ___ -_- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1948, advice to President under___ Treasurer of United States, Office of, transfer of funds to ---------- Twine, restriction on purchase of foreign product -------- _

Vehicles, funds available for purchase; limitation on number, etc ---.- __ Water Pollution Control Advisory Board, representation on--- ____ _ Wyndmoor, Pa., construction of build- ing, appropriation for --------- Yazoo and Little Tallahatchie water- sheds- Purchase of lands, approval require- ment ----------- ... ..--- Work projects and emergency meas- ures, availability of funds for __ Agriculture, Secretary of. See Agricul- ture, Department of. Agriculture, Yearbook of: Printing and binding, appropriation for_ Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for. -- --- Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Colleges of, appropriation for endowment.--- Air Coordinating Committee, functions under International Aviation Facilities Page 524 524 509 513 513 530 530 526 568 570 1054 411 508 529 1158 519 523 523 511 436 398 Act-------------------------- -- 450 Air Force, Department of the. See also National Military Establishment. Aircraft construction and procurement, appropriation for; contract au- thority--_---------------------_ 258 Alaska Road Commission, transfer of surplus property to, authority -- 1147 Appropriation for ----------------- 258, 648 Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948-------------------------- 1081 Appropriation authorized ---.----. . 1091