Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1352

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xxX INDEX Clams-Continued. Pag Soft-shell and hard-shell, studies and investigations of; appropriation authorized ------------ ____---- . 27 Clark-Stotsenberg Area, Philippines, con- struction of military installations, authorized ------- _-------------__ 37 Clerks of Courts. See Clerks, etc., under United States Courts. Cleveland, Ohio, Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, availability of funds---- 1034 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., acqui- sition of lands for, appropriation for_ . . 52. Clinton River, Mich., flood-protection proj- ect on Red Run, authorization ----- 1171 Coal. See also Mines and Mining; Mines, Bureau of, under Interior, Department of the. Depredations, lands reserved to United States, penalty------------------ 78i Leases, provisions respecting -------- _ 289 Lignite coal research laboratory, N. Dak., establishment authorized ------- _ 81 Appropriation for; contract author- ization ---------------- ______ 113 Mineral Leasing Act, amendment, exercise of options, time extension_ 285 Prospecting permits, extension -- __-- - 289 Royalty or rental on leasehold, waiver or reduction ---------. --.----- 291 Coast and Geodetic Survey: Appropriation for --.--------------. 65, 32 Bomber or fathometer readers, appro- priation for extra compensation-_ - 325 Commissioned officers, appropriation for pay----------------- ..- -- -- 325 Commissioned Officers' Act of 1948- Authorized numbers in grades ---. -- 297 Personnel board ------------------ 300 Prior laws, amendments and repeals 300 Promotion and separation --------- 298 Retirement ---------------------- 299 Military Academy, paid occupancy of hotel on grounds, nondeprivation of rental allowances ------------- 669 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for_ 65 Selective Service Act of 1948, exemp- tion of personnel from registration under -------- _----____ -_ --- _-- 609 Service credit for service before eighteen years of age; effective period ------ 489 Vehicles, funds available for purchase- 325 Coast Guard: Acquisitions, construction, and improve- ments, appropriation for---- . 564, 1048 Aerial flights, increased pay for, restric- tion... ------ ---. . .


563 Air-navigation facilities, operation on floating ocean stations, authoriza- tion--------------------------- 574 Coast Guard-Continued. Page Aircraft, limitation on number -------. 563 Appropriation for.--------------- 561, 1048 Civilian employees, appropriation for__ 563 Claims arising from combatant activ- ities in time of war, nonapplicabil- ity of tort claims procedure ---__ _ 985 Collisions, inland waters of United States, amendments of rules for prevention of ------------------- 249 Commandant, Office of, appropriation for----.-----------------.----- 561 Commissioned officers, temporary ap- pointments, amendment of Act of July 23, 1947 ------------------ 302 Dependents- Quarters, hiring, restriction-----_ __ _ _ 562 Transportation, appropriation for .-- 562 Deserters, enticement and harboring of, penalty ----------------------- 764 Discrimination by places of entertain- ment, etc., against person wearing uniform, penalty---------------- 697 Enlisted men, protection .- ---- --- --- 756 Fiancees or fiances, alien, of servicemen or veterans, facilitation of admis- sion to United States, time exten- sion of provisions----.... __---- _ 84 Fish and Wildlife Service, transfer of aircraft, vessels, and other surplus property to, authority --- ..._-- - 1146 General expenses, appropriation for- .. . 563 General provisions, Appropriation Act_ 564 Gifts, etc., for institutions under juris- diction of, acceptance and use ----- 71 Headquarters, details at, restriction_ 563 Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. Ivigtut Cryolite Mine, Greenland, serv- ice credit for certain personnel who acted as policemen and guards at -----------------. . ------ -- 302 Leave, payments to surviving brothers and sisters, and nieces and nephews of deceased members and former members --------------------- _ 506 Lighthouse Service, consolidation with Coast Guard, computation of lon- gevity for pay purposes----------- 644 Loran stations, establishment, mainte- nance, and operation, authority___ 1050 Marine Inspection and Navigation, former Bureau of, exceeding of lim- itation with respect to pay of certain personnel ---------------- 562 Medals or decorations, unauthorized wearing, sale, etc., penalty ------. 732 Military Academy, paid occupancy of hotel on grounds, nondeprivation of rental allowances-------------- 669