Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1377

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INDEX Federal Security Agency-Continued. Page Farm placement service, recruitment of foreign workers, authority-------- 1238 Appropriation authorized------ 1238, 1239 Appropriation for------_----- -_--_ 1032 Federal Credit Unions, Bureau of, es- tablishment and functions ------- 1091 Food and Drug Administration- Appropriation for-- _-- --- -- --. .. _ 397 Transfer of funds---.--.------- _ 397 Freedmen's Hospital- Appropriation for----------------- 397 District of Columbia- Rates, restriction on------------. 547 Reimbursement to United States, appropriation for------------ 547 Double-salary restriction------ __ _ 397 Reduction in appropriation---- _ - -- - - 407 Transfer of funds-_- -_-- -- --- -- --- _ 397 General Counsel, Office of the, appro- priation for-----------.--------- 448 General provisions- Appropriation Act, 1949 ----------- 404 Supplemental Federal Security Ap- propriation Act, 1949 --------- 448 Health service programs, appropriations available--------.------------ 404, 448 Howard University- Appropriation for----------------- 398 Contract authority -------------- 215, 398 Conveyance by Defense Homes Cor- poration --------------------- 1064 Transfer of funds to Public Buildings Administration ------------- - 398 Library memberships, etc., appropria- tions available---------------- 404, 448 Meetings, appropriation for expenses of attendance------------------- 404, 448 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons advocating ------------------ 407, 449 Penalty mail costs- Reduction in appropriation--------- 229 Transfer of funds------------------ 216 Printing and binding, appropriations available--------------------- 404, 449 Public Health Service. See separate title. Reductions in appropriations -------- 407 Report to Congress, Federal old-age and survivors insurance benefits, amount paid ------------------- 438 St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C. Se separate title. Service Operations, Division of, appro- priation for -------------------- 448 Social Security Administration. See separate title. LV Federal Security Agency-Continued. Page Strikes against U. S . Government, restriction on employment of per- sons engaging in--- ------- 407, 449 Terminal leave, appropriation for ---- 448 Transfer of funds- ---------- __ -----_ 449 Travel expenses, appropriations avail- able------------------------ 404,448 United States Employment Service, transfer to-- ------------------. 446 Veterans Administration, transfer of funds from, authority --------- _ - 1200 Vocational Rehabilitation, Office of, appropriation for -----------.- 216, 399 War Claims Act of 1948 ------------- 1241 War Claims Fund, establishment------ 1247 Water Pollution Control Act. See separate title. Federal Seed Act, appropriation for effect- ing provisions of --- --------.-- - 528 Federal Supply, Bureau of. See under Treasury Department. Federal Tort Claims Act: Appropriation for settlements under- Agriculture, Department of--------. 530 Army, Department of the ----- _-- 650, 653, 1020, 1023, 1026 Atomic Energy Commission ------- 1197 Budget, Bureau of the ------------ 178 China Aid Act of 1948 -----------. 1056 Civil Service Commission --------- 179 Commerce, Department of -------. 329 Economic Advisers, Council of------ 178 Economic Cooperation Administra- tion----------. ------------.. 1055 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service ----------------.-- . 1,406 Federal Power Commission --------- 181 Federal Security Agency -------- 404, 448 Federal Trade Commission --------- 181 Federal Works Agency ------------ 182 General Accounting Office---------- 187 Government corporations --------- 1194 Government Printing Office -------. 435 Housing Expediter, Office of-------- 1197 Interior, Department of the -- - 1040, 1150 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico ----------------- ---- 311 Interstate Commerce Commission_ 187,1034 Justice, Department of---- -------- 316 Labor, Department of ----------- 396 Library of Congress -------------- _ 434 Maritime Commission ----- _--__- - 1198 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics ----------------- 188 National Archives ---------------. 189 National Gallery of Art --.