Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1411

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LXXXIX Justice, Department of-Continued. Page Federal Prison Industries, Inc. See separatetitle. Field, miscellaneous salaries and ex- penses, appropriation for-_ 222, 317, 1041 General provisions, Appropriation Act, 1949 --------------------------- 321 Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice- Alien female kept for immoral pur- pose, filing of factual statement- 813 Appropriation for-------------- 319,1041 Inspectors, protection of----------- 756 Interpreters, employment of aliens - 319 Medical treatment for persons de- tained by, authorization for use of public or private facilities---- 1018 Treaty-Merchants Return Permit, issuance, validity period, fee-- 335 Immigration Appeals, Board of, appro- priation for--------------------- 316 Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948. See United States Information and Educational Ex- change Act of 1948. Japanese ancestry, certain persons of, adjudication of claims resulting from evacuation, authority of At- torney General------------------ 1231 Appropriation authorized ---------- 1233 Judicial offices, appropriation for ex- amination of-------------------- 317 Lands Division, appropriation for- ----- 222, 317, 1041 Lawbooks, etc., procurement, use of exchange allowances or sales pro- ceeds for----------------------- 321 Legal activities and general administra- tion, appropriation for--- 222, 316, 1041 Marshals, etc.- Appropriation for-------- 222, 317, 1041 Mileage allowance----------------- 484 Powers ---------------------

817 Protection of --------------------- 756 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re - striction on employment of per- sons advocating---------------- 333 Pardon Attorney, Office of, appropria- tion for ----------------------- 316 Parole, Board of, appropriation for --- 316 Penal and correctional institutions, ap- propriation for------------------ 319 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for- 316 , 321 Printing and binding, appropriation for ----------------------- 222,316 Prison System, Federal- Appropriation for----------------- 319 Contraband articles, traffic in; penalty ------------------- 786 W1..i- --_ -. - _,a -- _-.-14 - 78A Justice, Department of-Continued. Page Prisoners, escape, rescue, etc., penalties_ 734, 735 Prisons, Bureau of- Appropriation for ---------------- 319 Director and employees; duties ----- 849 Employees, powers of _------------- 817 Prisons, U. S ., protection of officers and employees --------------------- 756 Prisons and prisoners, duties relating to ------------------------- 847-856 Public Health Service, transfer of funds to ---------------------------- 320 Registration of foreign-controlled or- ganizations, penal provisions ------ 808 Reports to Congress- Alien Property, Office of, expenses incurred during fiscal year 1948- 321 Deportation suspensions------------ 1206 Displaced persons, qualification of aliens residing in United States as--------------------------- 1011 Japanese ancestry, adjudication of certain claims of persons of---- 1232 Special attorneys, etc., employment and compensation ------------ 317 Rewards for capture of criminals, payment; appropriation author- ized --------------------------- 818 Solicitor General, Office of, appropria- tion for------------------------ 316 Assistant, office of, appropriation for_ 316 State, Department of, investigations of matters under joint control, ap- propriation for------------------ 818 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in ---



333 Supreme Court reports, charging of cost ----------------------- 906 Tax Division, appropriation for ----- 316 Traveling expenses, appropriation for__ 316, 1041 Witnesses, appropriation for fees ------ 222, 318, 1041 Justice, International Court of, submittal of certain cases involving property rights of U. S. nationals------------ 152 Juvenile Delinquency, proceedings, juris- diction, probation, etc------------- 857 K Kansas: Arkansas River compact, funds for pay- ment of United States representa- tive-------------------------- 1134 Camp Phillips, transfer of lands to De- partment of the Army ---------- 490 Haskell Institute, appropriation for construction of dormitory -------- 1120 INDEX muvmy, each Zuu Iw, pmu-wj -------- .r