Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1413

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INDEX Labor, Department of-Continued. Page Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in ------------------- 407 Transfers between appropriations for salaries and expenses, authority -- 396 Traveling expenses, funds available--- 396 Reduction in appropriation __ - - -_ - 407 United States Employment Service- Appropriation for -------------- - 223 Transfer to Federal Security Agency- 446 Veterans' Reemployment Function, re- duction in appropriation __- - - - - _ 407 Veterans' Reemployment Rights, Bu- reau of- Appropriation for --- _------------_ 395 Replacements in former positions, aid in ----------------------- 618 Wage and Hour Division, appropriation for ------------------------ -- 395 Reduction in appropriation -------- 407 Women's Bureau, appropriation for-. - 395 Labor, Secretary of. See Labor, Depart- ment of. Labor-Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1949 ------------------------- 394 Labor-Management Relations, Joint Com- mittee on: Appropriation for ----------------- 424 Report to Congress, time extension. -- 1286 Labor Management Relations Act, 1947: Amendment, Joint Committee on La- bor-Management Relations, report to Congress, time extension------ 1286 Funds for effecting provisions--- 395, 404, 406 Labor Organization, International. See International Labor Organization. Labor Relations Board, National. See National Labor Relations Board. Labor Standards, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Labor Statistics, Bureau of. See under Labor, Department of. Lackawaxen River, Pa., f lood-protection plan, authorization; appropriation authorized ----------------------- 1176 Ladd Field, Alaska, construction of mili- tary installations, authorized ------- 378 Lafayette Building, District of Columbia, lease by Federal Works Agency for commercial purposes -------------- 644 Lake Denmark, N. J ., naval ammunition depot, construction of facilities, au- thorized ------------------------- 460 Appropriation for------------------ 1043 Lake Matthews, Calif., pumping station, appropriation for------------------ 658 Lake Okeechobee Drainage Area, Fla., modification of flood control project, appropriation authorized----------- 1176 XCI Land Management, Bureau of. See under Page Interior, Department of the. Land Utilization and Retirement of Sub- marginal Land, appropriation for-- 524 Lander, Wyo., clerk of U. S . District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of------------- 31 Lands, Public. See Public Lands. Lands Division. See under Justice, De- partment of. Langley Memorial Aeronautical Labora- tory: Appropriation for ----------------- 188 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, direction by---------- 266 L'Anguille River, Ark. , flood-protection project, authorization-------- __ _ _ 1179 L'Anse, Mich., conveyance------------ 35 Las Cruces, N. Mex., White Sands Prov- ing Ground, naval unit, construction of facilities, authorized_- - - - - - - - - - - 460 Appropriation for --

-1043 Lassen Volcanic National Park, appropri- ation for acquisition of lands----- - 1141 Latin America. See American Republics. LaVatta, Nettie Stinson, erroneous collec- tion, appropriation for refund, au- thorized -------.---------------- 1170 Lawrence, Mass., Naval Reserve Armory, acquisition of land, authorized ---. - 460 Appropriation for ------- -------- 1043 Le Flore County, Okla., co nv eyance by Department of Agriculture for dam construction --------------------- 1104 Lead, temporary free importation------- 59 Leases: Crow Indians, trust lands ------------- 80 District of Columbia Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942, lease of property under--------------- 565 Hawaii, waterfront lands, extension -- 536 Lafayette Building, District of Colum- bia, for commercial purposes ----. 644 Middle Rio Grande project, N. Mex-_. 1180 Mineral leasing, appropriation for en- forcement of laws relating to ---. 1134 Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, Amend- ments. See separatetite. National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948- 1225 Appropriation authorized_ - -- -- - -- -- 122 8 Appropriation for ---------------- 1033 Potash mining, disposition of royalties and rentals from leases under Act of Oct. 2, 1917----------------- 279 Rubber-producing facilities, Govern- ment-owned, authority----------_ 104 State lands, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Washington, lease for production of minerals, authority of legislature---------- 170