Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1473

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INDEX United States Courts-Continued. Page Treaty cases, restriction on jurisdiction of Court of Claims-------------- 942 Trial by jury----------------------- 951 Trustees and receivers suable; manage- ment; State laws---------------- 926 Unfair competition, jurisdiction of dis- trict courts -------------------_ 931 United States as party -------- 933, 937, 970 Unjust conviction and imprisonment- Jurisdiction of Court of Claims ----- 941 Procedure of Court of Claims------- 978 Witnesses- Competency of interested persons--- 950 Contempt ---------------------- 949 Fees- Payment of -------------------- 951 U. S . commissioner, witnesses before- 956 War Assets Administration, appro- priation for ---------------- 1204 Foreign ------------------------ 949 Government employees - ---------- 950 Incrimination, privilege against- - -- 950 Per diem, mileage and subsistence -- 950 Subpena in foreign country -------- 949 Writs ---------------------------- 944 "Writs of error", substitution of "appeal" for ------------------- 990 United States Employment Service. See under Labor, Department of. United States Housing Authority. See under Housing. United States Housing Corporation, and United States Housing Corporation of Pennsylvania, funds for dissolution__ 1189 United States Information and Educa- tional Exchange Act of 1948 ------- 6 Administrative procedures and authority- 11 Advisory commissions to formulate policies ----------------------- 10 Recommendations and reports ----- 11 Appropriation authorized------------- 11 Appropriation for carrying out activi- ties authorized by ------------ 226, 312 Transfer of funds, authority-------- 11 Assignment of personnel; status and allowances; acceptance of office under another government ------- 7,8 Definitions------------------------- 6 Delegation of authority ------------- 13 Funds, etc., from other governments, acceptance--------------------- 13 Government agencies, participation by- 8 Information about United States, dis- semination abroad--------------- 9 Interchange of persons, knowledge and skills-------------------------- 7 T r-.rl+r check nn ers-nnnL

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13 United States Information and Educa- tional Exchange Act of 1948-Con. Private agencies, utilization -------- Regulatory provisions, applicability to designated activities under juris- diction of State Department --- . Reimbursement for expenses .... -- -. Repeal of Act of May 25, 1938 --- .- - Reports to Congress -

Inclusion of information respecting certain personnel, facilities, etc-. Restricted information ----------- Termination ___ - __ _ -. -- -- ____- Veterans' Preference Act, nonapplica- bility to

_........ _---- United States Maritime Commission. See Maritime Commission. United States Military Academy. See Military Academy. United States Soldiers' Home: Appropriation for; transfer of surplus property to, authority - _-...... Inspection and report, annual, by In- spector General's Department ---- Universal Postal Union, appropriation available for expenses of delegates to designated commissions --------- Unknown American Serviceman of World War I, award of Medal of Honor to- Upper Mississippi River Basin, flood-pro- tection projects, adoption and au- thorization --- __--___---........ Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948. See Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1948, Urgent. Uruguay, gift of statue of General Jose Gervasio Artigas, acceptance on be- half of United States------- ... - Utah: Fort Douglas Military Reservation, transfer of portion to Bureau of Mines by Department of the Army- Judicial district ----------.. .....- -- . Ogden River project, appropriation for- Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, validation of certain conveyances-- Provo River project- Appropriation for... --- ..- --- --- .. Deer Creek and aqueduct divisions, water delivery, terms; postpone- ment of construction charge in- stallments -- .- - __- -- _.... .- -- Roosevelt, school facilities, appropria- tion authorized -


Appropriation for ----------------- San Juan County, conveyance to South- west Indian Mission, Inc., au- thorized----------------------- CLI Page 14 14 13 13 14 9 13 14 14 1023 5 419 71 1177 1051 1139 893 1127 1162 1127 92 170 1120 203 _J, -

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