Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/182

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 169-APR. 3 , 1948 61 Stat. 93. 22U.S.C., Supp.L i 1411 note. AaU, p. 141 . Quarterly state- ments. Information. Schedules of availa- billties, etc. Ante, p. 145 . Submission of cases to International Court of Justice, etc. Interim performance of functions. Foreign Aid Act of 1947 (Public Law 389, Eightieth Congress), shall be held or used within such country for such purposes as may be agreed to between such country and the Administrator in consultation with the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, and the Public Advisory Board provided for in section 107 (a) for purposes of internal monetary and financial stabilization, for the stimulation of pro- ductive activity and the exploration for and development of new sources of wealth, or for such other expenditures as may be con- sistent with the purposes of this title, including local currency administrative expenditures of the United States incident to operations under this title, and under agreement that any unen- cumbered balance remaining in such account on June 30, 1952, shall be disposed of within such country for such purposes as may, subject to approval by Act or joint resolution of the Congress, be agreed to between such country and the Government of the United States; (7) publishing in such country and transmitting to the United States, not less frequently than every calendar quarter after the date of the agreement, full statements of operations under the agreement, including a report of the use of funds, commodities, and services received under this title; (8) furnishing promptly, upon request of the United States, any relevant information which would be of assistance to the United States in determining the nature and scope of operations and the use of assistance provided under this title; (9) recognizing the principle of equity in respect to the drain upon the natural resources of the United States and of the recipient countries, by agreeing to negotiate (a) a future schedule of mini- mum availabilities to the United States for future purchase and delivery of a fair share of materials which are required by the United States as a result of deficiencies or potential deficiencies in its own resources at world market prices so as to protect the access of United States industry to an equitable share of such materials either in percentages of production or in absolute quantities from the participating countries, and (b) suitable protection for the right of access for any person as defined in paragraph (iii) of subparagraph (3) of section 111 (b) in the development of such materials on terms of treatment equivalent to those afforded to the nationals of the country concerned, and (c) an agreed schedule of increased production of such materials where practicable in such participating countries and for delivery of an agreed percent- age of such increased production to be transferred to the United States on a long-term basis in consideration of assistance furnished by the Administrator to such countries under this title; and (10) submitting for the decision of the International Court of Justice or of any arbitral tribunal mutually agreed upon any case espoused by the United States Government involving com- pensation of a national of the United States for governmental measures affecting his property rights, including contracts with or concessions from such country. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, the Administrator, during the three months after the date of enactment of this Act, may perform with respect to any partici- pating country any of the functions authorized under this title which he may determine to be essential in furtherance of the purposes of this title, if (1) such country has signified its adherence to the pur- poses of this title and its intention to conclude an agreement pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, and (2) he finds that 152 [62 STAT.