Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/195

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80rH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 180- -APR . 9, 1948 the carrier shall be deemed to be outstanding unless the Commission in its discretion determines that the proposed alteration or modifi- cation does not materially affect the interests of the holder or holders of the evidence or evidences of indebtedness secured by such security. Whenever any such pledged security is for said purposes, to be deemed outstanding, assent in respect of such security, as to any proposed alteration or modification, may be given only (any express or implied provision in any mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, note, or other instrument to the contrary notwithstanding) as follows: (a) Where such security is pledged as security under a mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, or other instrument, pursuant to which any evidences of indebtedness are issued and outstanding, by the holders of a majority in principal amount of such evidences of indebtedness, or (b) where such security secures an evidence or evidences of indebtedness not issued pursuant to such a mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, or other instrument, by the holder or holders of such evidence or evidences of indebtedness; and in any such case the Commission, in addition to the submission referred to in paragraph (2) of this section, shall cause the carrier in such manner as it shall direct to submit the pro- posed alteration or modification (with such terms, conditions, and amendments, if any, as the Commission shall have determined to be just and reasonable) for acceptance or rejection, to the holders of the evidences of indebtedness issued and outstanding pursuant to such mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, or other instrument, or to the holder or holders of such evidence or evidences of indebtedness not so issued, and such proposed alteration or modification need not be submitted to the trustee of any such mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, or other instrument, but assent in respect of any such security shall be determined as hereinbefore in this section provided. For the purposes of this section a security or an evidence of indebtedness shall not be deemed to be outstanding if in the determination of the Commission the assent of the holder thereof to any proposed altera- tion or modification is within the control of the carrier or of any person or persons controlling the carrier. "(4) (a) Any authorization and approval hereunder of any altera- Liability as guaran- tion or modification of a provision of any class of securities of a toretc carrier or of a provision of any instrument pursuant to which a class of securities has been issued, or by which it is secured, shall be deemed to constitute authorization and approval of a corresponding alteration or modification of the obligation of any other carrier which has assumed liability in respect of such class of securities as guarantor, endorser, surety, or otherwise: Provided, That such other carrier Consent in writing. consents in writing to such alteration or modification of such class of securities in respect of which it has assumed liability or of the instrument pursuant to which such class of securities has been issued or by which it is secured and, such consent having been given, any such corresponding alteration or modification shall become effective. without other action, when the alteration or modification of such class of securities or of such instrument shall become and be binding. "(b) Any person who is liable or obligated contingently or other- wise on any class or classes of securities issued by a carrier shall, with respect to such class or classes of securities, for the purposes of this section, be deemed a carrier. "(5) The authority conferred by this section shall be exclusive Exausive and pae and plenary and any carrier, in respect of any alteration or modifica- tion authorized and approved by the Commission hereunder, shall have full power to make any such alteration or modification and to take any actions incidental or appropriate thereto, and may make any such alteration or modification and take any such actions, and any such alteration or modification may be made without securing the approval 62 STAT.] 165