Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/210

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PUBLIC LAWS-H. 219-APR . 20 , 1948 Post, p . 863. Legal Examining Unit. 3 CFR, 1943 Supp. , p. 30. Compensation of of- ficers allocating super- visory positions. 68 Stat. 258. 41 Stat. 614 . 6 U. S . C. §691-738; Supp. I, §601 t seq. 46 Stat. 1479. 49 Stat. 2017. 47U.S.C.§151et seq.; Supp. , §151 et seq. 36 Stat. 629. M0Stat. 1146 . performed: Provided further, That nothing in sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code (18 U S. C. 198, 203) or in section 190 of the Revised Statutes (5 U. S . C. 99) shall be deemed to apply to any person because of his appointment for part-time or intermittent service as a member of the Loyalty Review Board or a regional loyalty board in the Civil Service Commission. No part of the appropriations herein made to the Civil Service Commission shall be available for the salaries and expenses of the Legal Examining Unit in the Examining and Personnel Utilization Division of the Commission, established pursuant to Executive Order Numbered 9358 of July 1, 1943. No part of appropriations herein shall be used to pay the compen- sation of officers and employees of the Civil Service Commission who allocate or reallocate supervisory positions in the classified civil service solely on the size of the group, section, bureau, or other organization unit, or on the number of subordinates supervised. References to size of the group, section, bureau, or other organization unit or the number of subordinates supervised may be given effect only to the extent warranted by the work load of such organization unit and then only in combination with other factors, such as the kind, difficulty, and complexity of work supervised, the degree and scope of responsibility delegated to the supervisor, and the kind, degree, and value of the supervision actually exercised. PANAMA CANAL CONSTRUCTION ANNUITY FUND Panama Canal construction annuity fund: For payment of annuities authorized by the Act of May 29, 1944, as amended (48 U. S. C . 1373a), $2,259,098. CIVIL-SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing the liability of the United States, created by the Act approved May 22, 1920, and Acts amendatory thereof (5 U. S. C . chap. 14), $224,000,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the 'civil-service retirement and disability fund'. CANAL ZONE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing the liability of the United States, created by the Act approved March 2, 1931, and Acts amendatory thereof (48 U. S. C. 1371n), $1,177,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "Canal Zone retirement and disability fund". ALASKA RAILROAD RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing the liability of the United States created by the Act approved June 29, 1936 (5 U. S . C. 745), $217,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the "Alaska Railroad retirement and disa- bility fund". FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses in performing the duties imposed by the Communications Act of 1934, approved June 19 1934 (48 Stat. 1064), the Ship Act of 1910, approved June 24, 1910 as amended (46 U. S. C. 484-487), the International Radiotelegraphic Convention (45 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 2760), Executive Order 3513, dated July 9, 1921, as amended under date of June 30, 1934, relating to applications for submarine cable licenses, and the radiotelegraphy provisions of the Convention for Promoting Safety of Life at Sea, ratified by the President July 7, 1936, including contract stenographic 180 [62 STAT.