Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/22

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 730 -__ Macon, Ga., jurisdiction of Court to hear claims. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction upon the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Georgia to hear, determine, and render judgment on the claims of the owners of the fee-simple titles and leasehold interests in lands leased to the United States by the city of Macon, Georgia, for use as a part of the site of Camp Wheeler, Georgia...._ _ _ __ _ ._ _ 731 -_- Dedication of Palomar Mountain Observatory, commemorative stamp. AN ACT To provide for the issuance of a special postage stamp in commemoration of the dedication of the Palomar Mountain Observatory_____________________ -- 732 -- _ School District 55, Roosevelt County, Mont., conveyance. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain lands in the State of Montana to School District 55, Roosevelt County, Montana.- --- -- -- - 733 --- Superior National Forest, Minn. AN ACT To safeguard and consolidate certain areas of exceptional public value within the Superior National Forest, State of Minnesota, and for other purposes -----

__________________ 734 ___ Saratoga National HistoricalPark, N. Y. AN ACT To establish the Saratoga National Historical Park, in the State of New York, from the lands that have been acquired by the Federal Government for that purpose pursuant to the Act of June 1, 1938 (52 Stat. 608), and for other purposes ----- __-----__. . 735 -__ Alaska, mining claims. AN ACT To provide for the suspension of annual assessment work on mining claims held by location in the Territory of Alaska - _ -

736 --- Chopawamsic Park, Va. AN ACT To authorize the transfer of certain Federal lands within the Chopawamsic Park to the Secretary of the Navy, the addition of lands surplus to the Department of the Army to this park, the acquisition of addi- tional lands needed to round out the boundaries of this park, to change the name of said park to Prince William Forest Park, and for other purposes ---- -- -- ___________ 737 --- St. Elizabeths Hospital, D. C. AN ACT To provide for the volun- tary admission and treatment of mental patients at Saint Elizabeths Hospital -- _---___________ 738 ___ Coast Guard. AN ACT To authorize the Coast Guard to operate and maintain ocean stations __ ---

739 _ --Postal service, certain seniority rights. AN ACT To preserve seniority rights of ten-point preference eligibles in the postal service transferring from the position of letter carrier to clerk or from the position of clerk to letter carrier -------- __..___ 740 .- _ Railway postal clerks. AN ACT Relating to the compensation of certain railway postal clerks -------- 741 ___ Veterans' Preference Act of 1944, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 19 of the Veterans' Preference Act of June 27, 1944 (58 Stat. 387), and for other purposes -------- 742 ___ Oklahoma, public lands. AN ACT To extend the public-land laws of the United States to certain lands, consisting of islands, situated in the Red River in Oklahoma ------ 743 --- Postal service, delivery of certain mails. AN ACT Requiring all mails consigned to an airport from a post office or branch, or from an airport to a post office or branch, within a radius of thirty-five miles of a city in which there has been established a Government-owned vehicle service to be delivered by Govern- ment-owned motor vehicles ---- _________________________ 744-._ Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Rail- road Retirement Act of 1937, as amended, and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, as amended, and for other purposes------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ __. .. 745 -- D. C. Code, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 1064 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, relating to admissibility of testimony by a party to a transaction when the other party is incapable of testifying..._ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ 746 -- Organic Act of Puerto Rico, amendments. AN ACT Relating to salaries of certain officers and employees of the United States and certain officers and employees of Puerto Rico--------_ -- Date June 19, 1948-- June 21, 1948- __ June 21, 1948___ June 22, 1948-- _ June 22,1948-- _ June 22, 1948-- _ June 22, 1948--- June 22, 1948--- June 22, 1948--- June 22,1948-__ June 22, 1948--- June 22, 1948--- June 22, 1948--- June 23, 1948--- June 23,1948--- June 24, 1948--- Page 566 567 567 568 570 571 571 572 574 574 575 575 576 576 576 579 June 24, 1948--- 579 XXiii