Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/371

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62 STAT.] 8OHr CONG., 2D SESS. -CH. 418-JUNE 4, 1948 periods of time as the Armory Board may determine, subject to cancellation when the public interest requires: Provided, That every lease or rental agreement which includes therein any period of time not covered by the schedules furnished under the pro- visions of section 5 of this Act shall be binding and effective only when the Commanding General of the District of Columbia Mili- tia has endorsed his approval thereon in writing; (i) to carry public liability insurance protecting the interests of the District of Columbia, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the District of Columbia Militia, the Commanding General of the District of Columbia Militia, the Armory Board, and the members, officers, and employees thereof; and to require tenants or lessees of the armory to carry public-liability insurance protecting the interests of such tenants or lessees; (j) to incur obligations not in excess of $50,000 at any one time in furtherance of the secondary purposes of this Act, and not in excess of $10,000 above the unobligated excess in the Armory Board Working Capital Fund; and (k) to accept the gratis services of such persons as may volun- teer to aid in the conduct of its activities. SEC. 7 . Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as a limi- tation upon the operation of a canteen in the said armory for the use and benefit of the District of Columbia Militia, and any funds derived from the operation of such canteen shall inure to the benefit of the said District of Columbia Militia. SEC. 8 . There is hereby created an Armory Board working capital fund in the amount of $50,000, and there shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the said Armory Board working capital fund all receipts derived from the exercise by the Armory Board of the powers granted by this Act. Said Armory Board working capital fund, including all receipts credited thereto, shall be used as a permanent revolving fund for all expenses incurred by the Armory Board in the exercise of the powers granted by this Act, including personal services. There shall also be transferred to said Armory Board working capital fund all revenues derived from rentals of the District of Columbia National Guard Armory under contracts made between July 1, 1947, and the date of enactment of this Act, except revenues resulting from the operation of concessions, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to transfer to the credit of the Armory Board working capital fund authorized by this Act funds resulting from rental of the District of Columbia National Guard Armory received by him and held in escrow pending enactment of legislation. As soon as practicable after the close of each fiscal year, after provision has been made for payment of all lawful obligations then incurred, all sums in excess of $50,000 in said Armory Board working capital fund shall be transferred to the general revenues of the District of Columbia. Expenditures from such fund may be made only upon vouchers which have been certified by said Armory Board and which have been approved before payment by the Auditor of the District of Columbia, and shall be disbursed in the same manner as other District of Columbia funds are disbursed: Provided,That the Disbursing Officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the Armory Board, upon requisitions previously approved by the Auditor of the District of Columbia sums of money not to exceed $1,000 at any one time, to be used for office and sundry expenses of the Armory Board. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually such sum as may be required to supply any deficiency in the Armory Board working capital fund. Revenues resulting from the operation of con- cessions within the District of Columbia National Guard Armory under contracts made between July 1, 1947, and the date of enactment of this Liability insurance. Operation of can- teen. Working capital fund. Transfer of funds. Expenditures. Advance of funds. Appropriation au- thorized. Transfer of funds.