Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/380

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 428, 433 -JUNE 9, 10 , 1948 (3) The patient is discharged from Saint Elizabeths Hospital pur- suant to section 207. CRIMINAL LAW UNCHANGED SEC. 209. Nothing in this title shall alter in any respect the tests of mental capacity applied in criminal prosecutions under the laws of the District of Columbia. Approved June 9, 1948. AN ACT [CHAPTER 433] June 10, 1948 [S. 2277] [Public Law 616] Surplus Property Act of 1944, amend- ment. 1622; Supp. I , §1622. Post, p. 1103 . Conveyance to State, etc. Park or recreational purposes. Historic monu- ments. 16U..C.C 463. Deed of conveyance. To amend section 13 of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as amended, to provide for the disposition of surplus real property to States, political subdivisions, and municipalities for use as public parks, recreational areas, and historic- monument sites, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 13 of the Surplus Property Act of 1944 (58 Stat. 770), as amended, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(h) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any disposal agency designated pursuant to this Act may, with the approval of the Administrator, convey to any State, political subdivision, instru- mentalities thereof, or municipality, all of the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to any surplus land, including improve- ments and equipment located thereon, which, in the determination of the Secretary of the Interior, is suitable and desirable for use as a public park, public recreational area, or historic monument, for the benefit of the public. The Administrator, from funds appropriated to the War Assets Administration, shall reimburse the Secretary of the Interior for the costs incurred in making any such determination. "(2) Conveyances for park or recreational purposes made pursuant to the authority contained in this subsection shall be made at a price equal to 50 per centum of the fair value of the property conveyed, based on the highest and best use of the property at the time it is offered for disposal, regardless of its former character or use, as deter- mined by the Administrator. Conveyances of property for historic- monument purposes under this subsection shall be made without mone- tary consideration: Provided,That no property shall be determined under this paragraph to be suitable or desirable for use as an historic- monument except in conformity with the recommendation of the Advisory Board on National Parks, Historic Sites, Buildings and Monuments established by section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act for the preservation of historic American sites, buildings, objects, and antiquities of national significance and for other purposes", approved August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 666), and no property shall be so determined to be suitable or desirable for such use if (A) its area exceeds that necessary for the preservation and proper observation of the historic monument situated thereon, or (B) it was acquired by the United States at any time subsequent to January 1,1900. "(3) The deed of conveyance of any surplus real property disposed of under the provisions of this subsection- "(A) shall provide that all such property shall be used and maintained for the purpose for which it was conveyed for a period of not less than twenty years, and that in the event that such property ceases to be used or maintained for such purpose during such period, all or any portion of such property shall in its then existing condition, at the option of the United States, revert to the United States; and Ante, p. 349. [62 STAT.