Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/392

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 449-JUNE 12, 1948 Grades. Restriction on ap- pointment. Officers' and En- listed Reserve Corps. Applicability of laws. Dependenta. Appointments in Officers' Reserve Corps. Colonels. §§ 1551-1i56 Supp. §§1551-1555 notes. specialists. Enlistments in En- lited Reserve Corps. as the amount of such person's "enactment service". Persons appointed in the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army with less than three years "enactment service" shall be appointed in the grade of second lieutenant; persons with three or more years "enact- ment service", but less than seven years "enactment service", shall be appointed in the grade of first lieutenant; persons with seven or more years "enactment service", but less than fourteen years "enactment service", shall be appointed in the grade of captain; and persons with fourteen or more years "enactment service", but less than twenty-one years "enactment service", shall be appointed in the grade of major: Provided That no person appointed in the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army under the provisions of this title shall be entitled, by reason of such appointment, to any pay or allowances for any period prior to the date of acceptance of such appointment. (d) No person with twenty-one or more years "enactment service" shall be appointed as a commissioned officer of the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army under the provisions of this section. (e) For the purpose of determining eligibility for promotion, each person appointed as a commissioned officer in the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army under the provisions of this section shall be credited, as of the time of such appointment, with continuous commis- sioned service on the active list of the Regular Army equal to the period of service credited to her under subsection (b) of this section. SEC. 109. (a) Effective the date of enactment of this title, the appointment of women in the Officers' Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States and the enlistment of women in the Enlisted Reserve Corps of the Army of the United States shall be authorized. (b) Except as otherwise specifically provided, all laws now or here- after applicable to male commissioned officers and former commis- sioned officers of the Officers' Reserve Corps, to enlisted men and former enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and to their dependents and beneficiaries, shall in like cases be applicable, respectively, to female commissioned officers and former commissioned officers of the Officers' Reserve Corps, to enlisted women and former enlisted women of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and to their dependents and beneficia- ries, except as may be necessary to adapt said provisions to the female persons in the Officers' and Enlisted Reserve Corps: Provided, That the husbands of women officers and enlisted personnel of any of the Reserve components of the Army of the United States shall not be considered dependents unless they are in fact dependent on their wives for their chief support, and the children of such personnel shall not be considered dependents unless their father is dead or they are in fact dependent on their mother for their chief support. (c) Appointments of women in the Officers' Reserve Corps may be made by the President in grades from lieutenant colonel to second lieu- tenant, inclusive, from female citizens of the United States who have attained the age of twenty-one years and who possess such qualifica- tions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army: Provided, That any person who has served satisfactorily as the commanding officer (Director) of the Women's Army Corps established by Act of July 1, 1943 (57 Stat. 371), or as the Director of the Women's Army Corps created by this title, may, if otherwise qualified, be appointed in such Reserve Corps in the grade of colonel: And provided further, That women specialists (such as scientists and technical experts) who possess such qualifications as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army may be initially appointed in the Officers' Reserve Corps in such grades as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army m accord- ance with regulations prescribed by him. (d) Enlistments of women in the Enlisted Reserve Corps may be accepted under the provisions of law now or hereafter applicable to 362 [62 STAT.