Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/396

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366 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 449-JUNE 12, 1948 [62 STAT. approved report of the second preceding line selection board and of those junior in lineal rank to the junior woman line officer recommended for promotion to that grade in the approved report of the immediately preceding line selection board; if the number so determined be a mixed number and the fraction thereof be one-half or greater, the frac- tion shall be regarded as a whole number; if such computation produces no whole number, the fraction shall be regarded as a whole number. (1) Each selection board appointed to recommend women staff offi- cers of the Regular Navy for promotion to the grade of lieutenant shall recommend such of the eligible officers who, in the opinion of at least two-thirds of the members of the board, are qualified for promotion and shall so certify in its report. esient rova lby (m) Should any women officers of the line or Staff Corps of the Regular Navy of the grade of lieutenant (junior grade), recom- mended in the report of a selection board for promotion, be not acceptable to the President when such report is presented to him for approval or disapproval, the board shall be so informed and the names of such officers shall be removed from the report of the board and no further selection of women officers shall be made at that time. Commander orlie- (n) Upon promotion to the grade of commander or lieutenant tenant commander. Pay and allowances commander, a woman officer of the line of the Regular Navy shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of such grade from the date of the occurence of the vacancy to which she is promoted to fill. oEliiilirotofsff (O) Each woman staff officer of the Regular Navy recommended r for promotion in grade in the approved report of a board on selec- tion shall become eligible for promotion to the grade for which recommended on the date that the line officer who is to be her running mate in such grade becomes eligible for promotion to that grade and, upon promotion, shall be entitled to the pay and allow- ances of the higher grade from the date upon which she becomes eligible for promotion thereto. (p) Women officers of the line or Staff Corps of the Regular Navy shall not increase the authorized number of commissioned officers of the line or Staff Corps concerned and such women officers shall be excluded from any computations made pursuant to sections 4 ta. cC., Supp. 103 and 203 of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947. Women officers

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of the Regular Navy of the grades of chief pay clerk, pay clerk, and acting pay clerk shall not increase the authorized number of officers of those grades. ice. ore (q) Any requirement of sea or foreign service in grade prescribed by law for promotion shall not apply to the promotion of women officers of the Regular Navy. arrantofficers. (r) The provisions of law now existing or hereafter enacted relating to the promotion of male warrant officers and to advance- ment to higher pay periods of male commissioned warrant officers shall apply in like manner to women warrant and commissioned warrant officers. Applicability of re- SEC. 207. (a) All provisions of law now existing or hereafter tirement laws. enacted relating to retired officers of the Regular Navy and to the retirement or separation from the active list of officers of the Regular Navy, except those provisions relating to the same subject matter pro- vided for in the followingsubsections of this section and except those ta:. C5supp.i provisions of the Officer ersonnel Act of 1947, which relate to the I3a note. retirement and discharge of officers for failure of selection for promo- d tion, are hereby made applicable to women officers of the Regular Navy. sistant to Chief of (b) Each woman officer of the grade of commander in the Regular Navl Peronnel. Navy, or a woman officer serving as an assistant to the Chief of Naval Personnel with the rank of captain, who attains the age of fifty-five years or completes thirty years' active commissioned service in the