Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/444

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 466-JUNE 14, 1948 sition, at the dollar face amount or otherwise, of specimen and rare coins, including United States and foreign gold coins and pieces of gold used as, or in lieu of, money, and ores, for addition to the Govern- ment's collection of such coins, pieces, and ores; $4,500,000. Transportation of bullion and coin: For transportation of bullion and coin, between mints, assay offices, and bullion depositories, $5,000, including compensation of temporary employees and other necessary expenses. BUREAU OF FEDERAL SUPPLY Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field service, office sup- plies and materials, stationery, fuel, light, electric current, and other expenses for carrying into effect regulations governing the procure- ment, warehousing, and distribution by the Bureau of Federal Supply of the Treasury Department of property, equipment, stores, and sup- Transfer of funds. plies in the District of Columbia and in the field, $1,275,000: Provided, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to transfer to this appropriation from any appropriations or funds avail- able to the several departments and establishments of the Govern- ment such amounts as may be approved by the Bureau of the Budget, not to exceed the sum of (a) the amount of the annual compensation of employees who may be transferred or detailed to the Bureau of Federal Supply, respectively, from any such department or establish- ment, where the transfer or detail of such employee is incident to a transfer of a function or functions to that Bureau and (b) such amount as the Bureau of the Budget may determine to be necessary for expenses other than personal services incident to the proper Continuance of carrying out of functions so transferred: Provided further, That for nion-Federal when there has been or shall be transferred from any agency of the agencies. Government to the Bureau of Federal Supply any function of ware- housing, and the agency from which such function is being trans- ferred is authorized at the time of such transfer to perform functions of procurement, warehousing, or distribution of property, equip- ment, stores, or supplies for non-Federal agencies the Bureau of Federal Supply is authorized to continue the performance of such functions for such non-Federal agencies where such functions are to be discontinued by the agency from which the warehousing function has been transferred, and the receipts, including surcharge, for all issues to and all advances by all non-Federal agencies shall be Payments for sup- credited to the general supply fund: Providedfurther, That payments to the general supply fund for materials, and supplies (including fuel), and services, and overhead expenses for all issues shall be made on the books of the Treasury Department by transfer and counterwar- rants prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply of the Treasury Department and countersigned by the Comptroller General, such warrants to be based solely on itemized invoices prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply at issue prices to be fixed by the Director of Federal Transactions with Supply: Provided further, That payments covering transactions Government agencies . between the Bureau of Federal Supply and field offices of other Government agencies whose detailed appropriation or fund accounts are maintained elsewhere than within the District of Columbia, may be made on the basis of itemized vouchers or invoices prepared by the Bureau of Federal Supply and sent through the appropriate field offices to the disbursing officers for the agencies involved, who are hereby authorized to make payment based (1) upon certification of the Bureau of Federal Supply, which shall include the specific statement that the vouchers are issued pursuant to and in conformity with purchase orders or requisitions duly executed by the agency billed, and (2) upon approval and certification of such vouchers by the 414 [62 STAT.