Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/446

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416 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 466-JUNE 14, 1948 [62 STAT. purposes only) of the manufacturer of such machines during the six- month period immediately preceding such quarter. purvey, etc., of s ur- The Director of the Bureau of Federal Supply is authorized and directed at such times as he may determine to be necessary to survey and determine the number and kinds of typewriters which are at any time surplus to the requirements of any agency. Upon such deter- mination the Director of the Bureau of Federal Supply is authorized to direct, upon such notice and in such manner as he may prescribe, the head of any agency to surrender to the Bureau of Federal Supply any and all typewriting machines, surplus to its requirements, and such determination and direction by the Director of the Bureau of Federal Supply shall be final and conclusive upon all agencies, officers, and employees of the executive branch of the Government of the United States. The Director of the Bureau of Federal Supply is authorized to charge each agency to which typewriting machines are supplied here- under amounts equal to the fair value thereof, as determined by him, and such amounts shall be credited to the general supply fund. General supply fund, Bureau of Federal Supply: To increase the general supply fund established by the Act approved February 27, 45 Stat. i3. 1929, as amended (41 U. S. C . 7c), $1,500,000. Printing and binding: For printing and binding for the Bureau of Federal Supply, including printed forms and miscellaneous items for general use of the Treasury Department, the cost of transportation to field offices of printed and bound material and the cost of necessary packing boxes and packing materials, $170,000, together with not to exceed $30,000 to be transferred from the general supply fund, Treasury Department. Net renegotiation rebates: For necessary expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia, in connection with the processing and determination of net renegotiation rebates under 5 U. S . C . app. section 403 (a) (4) (D) of the Renegotiation Act, $125,000. Palel9(a) (4) (ie No part of any appropriation or authorization in this Act shall be Payment of salaries and expenses, restric- used to pay any part of the salary or expenses of any person whose tlo. salary or expenses are prohibited from being paid from any appro- priation or authorization in any other Act. tation of ttle. This title may be cited as the "Treasury Department Appropria- tion Act, 1949". Post Office Depart- ment Appropriation TITLE II-POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Act, 1949. Post,p . 65 . The following sums are appropriated in conformity with 5 United States Code 361, 380; 39 United States Code 786, for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30,1949, namely: POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Salaries: For the Postmaster General and other personal services 60Stat. in the office of the Postmaster General in the District of Columbia, including a health service program as authorized by law (5 U. S . C. 150), $395,000. SALARIES IN BUREAUS AND OFFICES For personal services in the District of Columbia in bureaus and offices of the Post Office Department in not to exceed the following amounts, respectively: Office of Budget and Administrative Planning, $65,000. , ffice of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $1,162,500. b* P.a' Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $968,000.