Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/609

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 609, 610-JUNE 24, 1948 [CHAPTER 609] AN ACT To amend section 1064 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, relating to admissibility of testimony by a party to a transaction when the other party is incapable of testifying. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1064 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 1064. TESTIMONY OF SURVIVING PARTY. -In any civil action against a person who, from any cause, is legally incapable of testifying, or against the committee, trustee, executor, administrator, heir, legatee, devisee, assignee, or other representative of a deceased person or of the person so incapable of testifying, no judgment or decree shall be rendered in favor of the plaintiff founded on the uncorroborated testi- mony of the plaintiff or of the agent, servant, or employee of the plain- tiff as to any transaction with or action, declaration or admission of the deceased or incapable person; and in any such action, if the plaintiff or any agent, servant, or employee of the plaintiff testifies as to any transaction with or action, declaration, or admission of the deceased or incapable person, no entry, memorandum, or declaration, oral or written, by the deceased or incapable person, made while he was capable and upon his personal knowledge, shall be excluded as hearsay." Approved June 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 610] AN ACT Relating to salaries of certain officers and employees of the United States and certain officers and employees of Puerto Rico. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (1) of section 49b of the Organic Act of Puerto Rico (U. S . C., title 48, sec. 793b (1)) is amended by striking out "$7,500" and inserting in lieu thereof "$10,000 to be paid out of funds appropriated by Congress for such purpose". SEC. 2. Section 50 of the Organic Act of Puerto Rico (U. S. C., title 48, secs. 797 and 798) is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 50. Except as otherwise provided in this or any other Act, the salaries and office expenses of all officials of Puerto Rico, including deputies, assistants, and other help, shall be such and be so paid out of the revenues of Puerto Rico as shall from time to time be determined by the legislature of Puerto Rico and approved by the Governor; and if the legislature shall fail to make an appropriation for such salaries, the salaries theretofore fixed shall be paid without the necessity of further appropriations therefor. Until otherwise prescribed as pro- vided by this section the annual salary of the Governor shall be $10,000; in addition to which he shall be entitled to the occupancy of the build- ings heretofore used by the chief executive of Puerto Rico, with the furniture and effects therein, free of rental; and the annual salary of the head of each executive department shall be $6,000. "Notwithstanding the foregoing, the annual salary of the chief justice of the supreme court shall be $10,500, and the annual salary of each associate justice of the supreme court shall be $10,000. All of said salaries of the chief justice and associate justices shall be paid in equal monthly installments. 579 June 24, 1948 [S. 1266] [Public Law 745] 31 Stat. 1357. D. C. Code § 14-302 . June 24, 1948 [S. 2m01 [Public Law 746] Organic Act of Puerto Rico, amend- rent. Il6 Stat. 772. 18 U. S. C., Supp. 1, 793b (1). 9::Stat. 967. 48 U. S. C., Supp. I. § 797. Salaries and ex- penses of officials.