Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/679

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 632--JUNE 24, 1948 otherwise provided for, in connection with the administration of this appropriation; $889,486,000: Provided, That not to exceed $298,000,000 of the appropriation "Air Corps, Army", fiscal years 1942-1946, shall remain available until June 30, 1949, for payment of obligations incurred under contracts executed thereunder prior to July 1, 1946: Provided further, That the net amount of this appro- priation used for personal services shall not exceed $305,000,000 and such amount shall not be applied to other use: And provided further, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply to personnel required to perform necessary work in connection with research and develop- ment; in cases where satisfactory bids cannot be obtained from com- petent contractors; or to the performance of work incident to the modification or modernization of aircraft or to the removal of aircraft from storage. DEPARTMENTAL SALARIES For compensation for personal services in the Department of the Air Force proper, as follows: SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE Office of Secretary of the Air Force: Secretary of the Air Force, Under Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force, and other personal services, $825,000. Office of Chief of Staff: Office of Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, $6,500,000. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY CONTINGENCIES OF THE ARMY For emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising in the Depart- ment of the Army of any of its subordinate bureaus or offices in the District of Columbia, or in the Army at large, but impossible to be anticipated or classified, including personal services; the actual and necessary expenses or per diem in lieu thereof, as may be determined and approved by the Secretary of the Army, of military and civilian personnel in and under the Department of the Army on special duty in foreign countries; and for examination of estimates of appropria- tions and of military activities in the field, to be expended on the approval or authority of the Secretary of the Army, and for such pur- poses as he may deem proper, and his determination thereon shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government and payments from this appropriation may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, be made on his certificate that the expenditures were necessary for confidential military purposes; $32,900,000. GENERAL STAFF CORPS FIELD EXERCISES For expenses required for the conduct of special field exercises, including participation therein by the National Guard and the Organized Reserves, and including pay and travel of temporary employees and officers and enlisted men of the National Guard and the Organized Reserves, not otherwise provided for, allowances for enlisted men for quarters and rations, troop movements and travel of personnel of the Regular Army, in connection with special field exer- cises, including special combat training for small units, movement of materiel, maintenance and operation of structures and utilities, rental of land or purchase of options to rent land without reference to section 3648, Revised Statutes, use or repair of private property, and any other 649 Payment of obliga- tions. Personal services, restriction. Special duty in for- eign countries. Participation by National Guard, etc. Rental of land, etc. 31U.S.C.I5.