Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/791

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 645-JUNE 25, 1948 § 1232. ENTICEMENT OF WORKMAN FROM ARMORY OR ARSENAL Whoever procures or entices any artificer or workman retained or employed in any arsenal or armory to depart from the same during the continuance of his engagement, or to avoid or break his contract with the United States; or Whoever, after due notice of the engagement of such workman or artificer, during the continuance of such engagement, retains, hires, or in anywise employs, harbors, or conceals such artificer or workman- Shall be fined not more than $50 or imprisoned not more than three months, or both. CHAPTER 59.-LIQUOR TRAFFIC Sec. 1261. Enforcement, regulations, and scope. 1262. Transportation into State prohibiting sale. 1263. Marks and labels on packages. 1264. Delivery to consignee. 1265. 0 . O. D. shipments prohibited. § 1261. ENFORCEMENT, REGULATIONS, AND SCOPE (a) The Secretary of the Treasury shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. Regulations to carry out its provisions shall be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury. (d) This chapter shall not apply to the Canal Zone. § 1262. TRANSPORTATION INTO STATE PROHIBITING SALE Whoever imports, brings, or transports any intoxicating liquor into any State, Territory, District, or Possession in which all sales, except for scientific, sacramental, medicinal, or mechanical purposes, of intoxi- cating liquor containing more than 4 per centum of alcohol by volume or 3.2 per centum of alcohol by weight are prohibited, otherwise than in the course of continuous interstate transportation through such State, Territory, District, or Possession or attempts so to do, or assists in so doing, Shall (1) If such liquor is not accompanied by such permits, or licenses therefor as may be required by the laws of such State, Terri- tory, District, or Possession or (2) if all importation, bringing, or transportation of intoxicating liquor into such State, Territory, Dis- trict, or Possession is prohibited by the laws thereof, be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. In the enforcement of this section, the definition of intoxicating liquor contained in the laws of the respective States, Territories, Dis- trict, or Possessions shall be applied, but only to the extent that sales of such intoxicating liquor (except for scientific, sacramental, medic- inal, and mechanical purposes) are prohibited therein. § 1263. MARKS AND LABELS ON PACKAGES Whoever knowingly ships into any place within the United States, any package of or package containing any spirituous, vinous, malted, or other fermented liquor, or any compound containing any spirituous, vinous, malted, or other fermented liquor fit for use for beverage purposes, unless such package is so labeled on the outside cover as to plainly show the name of the consignee, the nature of its contents, and the quantity contained therein, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. § 1264. DELIVERY TO CONSIGNEE Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of any railroad com- pany, express company, or other common carrier, knowingly delivers to any person other than the person to whom it has been consigned, unless upon the written order in each instance of the bona fide con- signee, or to any fictitious person, or to any person under a fictitious 761