Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/86

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PUBLIC LAWS--H. 84 -FEB. 28 , 1948 Dependency and disability. Payment of claims to beneficiaries, etc. 46 Stat. 472. 5 U.S. C.§ 707. Ante, p. 60 . Failure to establish claim for annuity. Ante, p. 62. Ant, pp. 49, 50, 54. "(3) Questions of dependency and disability arising under this section shall be determined by the Civil Service Commission and its decisions with respect to such matters shall be final and conclusive and shall not be subject to review. The Commission may order or direct at any time such medical or other examinations as it shall deem necessary to determine the facts relative to the nature and degree of disability of any annuitant or applicant for annuity under this section, and may suspend or deny any such annuity for failure to submit to any such examination. "(e) In any case in which- "(1) an officer or employee to whom this Act applies shall die before having rendered five years of civilian service computed as prescribed in section 5, or after having rendered five years of civilian service but without a survivor or survivors entitled to annuity benefits provided by subsection (c), or "(2) the right of all persons entitled to annuity under subsec- tion (c) based on the service of such officer or employee shall terminate before a valid claim therefor shall have been established, the total amount credited to the individual account of such officer or employee with interest at 4 per centum per annum to December 31, 1947, and 3 per centum per annum thereafter, compounded on Decem- ber 31 of each year, to the date of death of such officer or employee, shall be paid upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, in the following order of precedence: "First, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated in writing by such officer or employee and recorded with the Civil Service Com- mission; "Second, if there be no such beneficiary, to the duly appointed execu- tor or administrator of the estate of such officer or employee; "Third, if there be no such beneficiary or executor or administrator, payment may be made, after the expiration of thirty days from the date of the death of the officer or employee, to such person or persons as may appear in the judgment of the Civil Service Commission to be legally entitled thereto, and such payment shall be a bar to recovery by any other person. "(f) In case any separated officer or employee who is entitled to a deferred annuity as provided in section 7 hereof shall die before having established a valid claim for annuity, the total amount credited to his individual account with interest at 4 per centum per annum to Decem- ber 31, 1947, or the date of separation, whichever is earlier, and 3 per centum per annum thereafter, compounded on December 31 of each year, to date of death, shall be paid upon the establishment of a valid claim therefor, in the order of precedence prescribed in subsection (e). "(g) In any case in which- "(1) a retired officer or employee shall die without a survivor entitled to annuity benefits provided by subsection (b) or (c) of section 4 or subsection (c) of this section, or "(2) a retired officer or employee shall die leaving a survivor or survivors entitled to such annuity benefits and the right to annuity of all such survivors shall terminate before a valid claim therefor shall have been established, or "(3) the annuities of all persons entitled to annuity based upon the service of an officer or employee shall terminate, before the aggregate amount of annuity paid equals the total amount credited to the individual account of such officer or employee with interest at 4 per centum per annum to December 31, 1947, and 3 per centum per annum thereafter, compounded on December 31 of each [62 STAT.