Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/887

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 645-JUNE 25, 1948 CHAPTER 401. -- GEN ER A L PROVISIONS Sec. 5001. Surrender to state authorities; expenses. § 5001. SURRENDER TO STATE AUTHORITIES; EXPENSES Whenever any person under twenty-one years of age has been arrested, charged with the commission of an offense punishable in any court of the United States or of the District of Columbia, and, after investigation by the Department of Justice, it appears that such person has committed an offense or is a delinquent under the laws of any State or of the District of Columbia which can and will assume juris- diction over such juvenile and will take him into custody and deal with him according to the laws of such State or of the District of Columbia, and that it will be to the best interest of the United States and of the juvenile offender, the United States attorney of the district in which such person has been arrested may forego his prosecution and sur- render him as herein provided. The United States marshal of such district upon written order of the United States attorney shall convey such person to such State or the District of Columbia, or, if already therein, to any other part thereof and deliver him into the custody of the proper authority thereof. Before any person is conveyed from one State to another or from or to the District of Columbia under this section, he shall signify his will- ingness to be so returned, or there shall be presented to the United States attorney a demand from the executive authority of such State or the District of Columbia, to which the prisoner is to be returned, supported by indictment or affidavit as perscribed by section 3182 of this title. The expense incident to the transportation of any such person, as herein authorized, shall be paid from the appropriation "Salaries, Fees, and Expenses, United States Marshals." CHAPTER 403.- JU V EN I LE DE.INQUENCY Sec. 5031. Definitions. 5032. Proceeding against juvenile delinquent. 5033. Jurisdiction; written consent; jury trial precluded. 5034. Probation; commitment to custody of Attorney General; support. 5035. Arrest, detention and bail. 5036. Contracts for support; payment. 5037. Parole. § 5031. DEFNITIONs For the purposes of this chapter a "juvenile" is a person who has not attained his eighteenth birthday, and "juvenile delinquency" is the violation of a law of the United States committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or life imprisonment. § 5032. PROCEEDING AGAINST JUVENILE DELINQUENT A juvenile alleged to have committed one or more acts in violation of a law of the United States not punishable by death or life imprison- ment, and not surrendered to the authorities of a state, shall be pro- ceeded against as a juvenile delinquent if he consents to such procedure, unless the Attorney General, in his discretion, has expressly directed otherwise. In such event the juvenile shall be proceeded against by information and no criminal prosecution shall be instituted for the alleged violation. § 5033. JURISDICTION; WRITTEN CONSENT; JURY TRIAL PRECLUDED District Courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction of pro- ceedings against juvenile delinquents. For such purposes, the court may be convened at any time and place within the district, in chambers or otherwise. The proceeding shall be without a jury. The consent 857 Ante, p. 822. "Juvenile." "Juvenile delin- quency. "