Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/940

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 646 -JUNE 25, 1948 § 507. Duties; supervision by Attorney General (a) It shall be the duty of each United States attorney, within his district, to: 1) Prosecute for all offenses against the United States 2) Prosecute or defend, for the government, all civil actions, suits or proceedings in which the United States is con- cerned; (3) Appear in behalf of the defendants in all civil actions, suits or proceedings pending in his district against collectors, or other officers of the revenue or customs for any act done by them or for the recovery of any money exacted by or paid to such officers, and by them paid into the Treasury; (4) Institute and prosecute proceedings for the collection of fines, penalties and forfeitures incurred for violation of any revenue law unless satisfied upon investigation that justice does not require such proceedings; (5) Make such reports as the Attorney General shall direct. (b) The Attorney General shall have supervision over all litigation to which the United States or any agency thereof is a party and shall direct all United States attorneys, assistant United States attorneys, Ante, p. 909. and attorneys appointed under section 503 of this title, in the discharge of their respective duties. § 508. Salaries The Attorney General shall fix the salaries of United States attor- neys, assistant United States attorneys, and attorneys appointed Ante, p. 909. under section 503 of this title. § 509. Expenses Necessary office expenses of United States attorneys shall be allowed when authorized by the Attorney General. Necessary travel and subsistence expenses of United States attorneys, assistant United States attorneys, and attorneys appointed under sec- tion 503 of this title, while absent from their official stations on official business shall be allowed in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Attorney General. § 510. Clerical assistants and messengers Clerical assistants and messengers for United States attorneys may be employed upon approval of and at salaries fixed by the Attorney General. CHAPTER 33-UNITED STATES MARSHALS See. 541. Appointment, residence and tenure of marshals. 542. Appointment and tenure of deputies and assistants. 543 Oath of office. 544. Bond. 545. Vacancies. 546. Death of marshal. 547. Powers and duties generally; supervision by Attorney General. 548. Administration of oaths. 549. Power as sheriff. 550. Disbursement of salaries and expenses. 551. Collection of fees; accounting. 552. Salaries of marshals, deputies and assistants. 553. Expenses of marshals. 554. Delivery of prisoners to successor. 55. Delivery of unserved process to successor. 6. Practice of law restricted. § 541. Appointment, residence and tenure of marshals (a) The President shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a United States marshal for each judicial district. [62 STAT.