Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/954

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 646-JUNE 25,1948 testimony or transacting other official business at a place other than Washington. (c) Commissioners shall, in accordance with the rules and orders of the court, fix times for hearings, administer oaths, examine witnesses, receive evidence and report findings of fact and recommendations for conclusions of law in cases assigned to them. Each commissioner shall devote all of his time to the duties of his office. § 793. Reporter-commissioners; stenographers The Court of Claims may issue commissions and appoint reporter- commissioners to take testimony to be used in the investigation of claims before it. When testimony is taken for the plaintiff he shall pay the fees of the reporter-commissioner before whom it was taken, and the cost of the commission and notice. When it is taken at the instance of the United States such fees shall be paid out of the contingent fund provided for the court or from other appropriation made by Congress for that purpose. Reporter-commissioners of the Court of Claims who are not sten- ographers may employ necessary stenographers to take down and write out testimony of witnesses. § 794. Stenographers and clerical employees The Court of Claims shall appoint stenographers and other clerical employees in such numbers as may be necessary each of whom shall be subject to removal by the court. § 795. Bailiff and messenger The Court of Claims may appoint a bailiff and a messenger who shall be subject to removal by the court. The bailiff shall attend the court, preserve order, and perform such other necessary duties as the court directs. CHAPTER 53-COURT OF CUSTOMS AND PATENT APPEALS Sec. 831. Clerk and employees. 832. Marshal. 888 Reporter. 834. Baillffs and messengers. § 831. Clerk and employees The Court of Customs and Patent Appeals may appoint a clerk and such assistant clerks, stenographic law clerks, clerical assistants and other employees as may be necessary, all of whom shall be subject to removal by the court. The clerk shall pay into the Treasury all fees, costs and other moneys collected by him. He shall maintain an office at the seat of govern- ment. § 832. Marshal The Court of Customs and Patent Appeals may appoint a marshal who shall serve within the District of Columbia and shall be subject to removal by the court. He shall attend the court at its sessions, and shall serve and execute all process and orders issuing from it. He shall purchase books and supplies, supervise the library and perform such other duties as the court may direct. Under regulations prescribed by the Director of the Administration Office of the United States Courts, he shall pay the salaries of judges, officers and employees of the court and dis- burse funds appropriated for the expenses of the court. 924 [62 STAT.