Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/970

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940 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 646-JUNE 25, 1948 [62 STAT. § 1448. Process after removal In all cases removed from any State court to any district court of the United States in which any one or more of the defendants has not been served with process or in which the service has not been per- fected prior to removal, or in which process served proves to be defec- tive, such process or service may be completed or new process issued in the same manner as in cases originally filed in such district court. This section shall not deprive any defendant upon whom process is served after removal of his right to move to remand the case. § 1449. State court record supplied Where a party is entitled to copies of the records and proceedings in any suit or prosecution in a State court, to be used in any district court of the United States, any attachment or sequestration of the demand, and the payment or tender of the legal fees, fails to deliver certified copies, the district court may, on affidavit reciting such facts, direct such record to be supplied by affidavit or otherwise. Thereupon such proceeding, trial, and judgment may be had in such district court, and all such process awarded, as if certified copies had been filed in the district court. § 1450. Attachment or sequestration; securities Whenever any action is removed from a State court to a district court of the United States, any attachment or sequestration of the goods or estate of the defendant in such action in the State court shall hold the goods or estate to answer the final judgment or decree in the same manner as they would have been held to answer final judgment or decree had it been rendered by the State court. All bonds, undertakings, or security given by either party in such action prior to its removal shall remain valid and effectual notwith- standing such removal. All injunctions, orders, and other proceedings had in such action prior to its removal shall remain in full force and effect until dis- solved or modified by the district court. CHAPTER 91-COURT OF CLAIMS Sec. 1491. Claims against United States generally. 1492. Congressional reference cases. 1493. Departmental reference cases. 1494. Accounts of officers, agents or contractors. 1495. Damages for unjust conviction and imprisonment; claim against United States. 1496. Disbursing officers' claims. 1497. Oyster growers' damages from dredging operations. 1498. Patent cases. 1499. Penalties imposed against contractors under eight hour law. 1500. Pendency of claims in other courts. 1501. Pensions. 1502. Treaty cases. 1503. Set-offs. 1504. Tort claims. § 1491. Claims against United States generally The Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction to render judgment upon any claim against the United States: 1) Founded upon the Constitution; or (2) Founded upon any Act of Congress; or (3) Founded upon any regulation of an executive department; or (4) Founded upon any express or implied contract with the United States; or (5) For liquidated or unliquidated damages in cases not sounding in tort.