Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1047

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2332 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. 3. The Government of Greece, when ao requested by the Government of the United States of Amerlca, will cooperate, wherever appropriate, to further the objectives of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article in respect of naterials originating outside of Greece. Article VI (Travel Arraangeent ad Belief Suppllie) 1. The Govrnment of Greece will cooperate with the Government of the United State of America in facilitating and encouraging the promotieo and development of travel by eitienu of the United States of America to and within participating coutries. Ante, p. 2318 . 2. The Gover nt of Greee wll, when *o deired by the Goreanet of the United Statee of America, anter into negotiatione for agroemte (including the provilioo of duty-frr treatret uder appropriate afeguarde) to facili- tte the entry into Greee of supplies of relief goods donated to or purchaed by United States volutary nor-profit relief aenocie ad of relief package originating in the United Statet of Amrica and ceunigned to individual. reiding in Groee.