Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1131

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Ante, pp. 2413, 2415 . provided, however, that Article V and paragraph 3 of Article VII shall remain in effect until two years after the date of such notice of inten- tion to terminate, but not later than June 30, 1953. mSubstdicary agree- 3. Subsidiary agreements and arrangements negotiated pursuant to this Agreement may remain in force beyond the date of termina- tion of this Agreement and the period of effectiveness of such subsidiary agreements and arrangements shall be governed by their own terms. Ante, p. 2411 . Article IV shall remain in effect until all the sums in the currency of Ireland required to be deposited in accordance with its own terms have been disposed of as provided in that Article. Paragraph 2 of Ante, p. 211. AArticle III shall remain in effect for so long as the guaranty payments referred to in that Article may be made by the Government of the United States of America. Amnte, p. 2 4. This Agreement may be amended at any time by agreement between the two Governments. 5. The Annex to this Agreement forms an integral part thereof. Registration. 6. This Agreement shall be registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the respective representatives, duly author- ised for the purpose, have signed the present Agreement. DONE AT DUBLIN, IN DUPLICATE, THIS TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JUNE, 1948. For the Government of For the Government of the United States Ireland of America GEORGE A. GARRETT SEAN MACBRIDE [SEAL] [SEAL] ANNEX (Interpretative Notes) 1. It is understood that the requirements of paragraph 1 (a) of Article Ante, p. 2410. II, relating to the adoption of measures for the efficient use of resources, would include, with respect to commodities furnished under the Agree- ment, effective measures for safeguarding such commodities and for preventing their diversion to illegal or irregular markets or channels of trade. 2. It is understood that the obligation under paragraph 1 (c) of Article Ante, p.2410 . II to balance the budget would not preclude deficits over a short period but would mean a budgetary policy involving the balancing of the budget in the long run. 3. It is understood that the business practices and business arrange- Ante, p. 2411. ments referred to in paragraph 3 of Article II mean: (a) fixing prices, terms or conditions to be observed in dealing with others in the pur- chase, sale or lease of any product; (b) excluding enterprises from, or allocating or dividing, any territorial market or field of business activity, or allocating customers, or fixing sales quotas or purchase quotas; (c) discriminating against particular enterprises; (d) limiting production or fixing production quotas; (e) preventing by agreement the development or application of technology or invention whether 2418