Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1163

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Principles of Agree- ment. ECONOMIC COOPERATION AGREEMENT between the UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA and the GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG Preamble The Governments of the United States of America and of Luxem- bourg; Recognizing that the restora- tion or maintenance in European countries of principles of individ- ual liberty, free institutions, and genuine independence rests largely upon the establishment of sound economic conditions, stable inter- national economic relationships, and the achievement by the coun- tries of Europe of a healthy economy independent of extraor- dinary outside assistance; Recognizing that a strong and prosperous European economy is essential for the attainment of the purposes of the United Nations; Considering that the achieve- ment of such conditions calls for a European recovery plan of self- help and mutual cooperation, open to all nations which cooperate in such a plan, based upon a strong production effort, the expansion of foreign trade, the creation or maintenance of internal financial stability and the development of economic cooperation, including all possible steps to establish and maintain valid rates of exchange and to reduce trade barriers; Considering that in furtherance of these principles the Govern- ACCORD DE COOPERATION ECONOMIQUE entre les ETATS-UNIS d'AMERIQUE etle GRAND-DUCHE DE LUXEMBOURG Pr6ambule Les Gouvernements des Etats- Unis d'Am6rique et du Luxem- bourg; Reconnaissant que le r6tablis- sement ou le maintien dans les pays d'Europe des principes de libert6 individuelle, des institutions libres et de l'ind6pendance veri- table d6pendent, pour une large part, de la r6alisation de condi- tions 6conomiques saines, de rap- ports 6conomiques stables entre les nations et du retour des pays d'Europe A une 6conomie viable, ind6pendante de toute assistance exterieure exceptionnelle; Reconnaissant qu'une economie europ6enne forte et prospere est essentielle pour atteindre les buts des Nations Unies; Considerant que la r6alisation de ces conditions appelle un plan de relevement de 1'Europe d'entr'- aide et de cooperation mutuelle, accessible a toutes les nations qui y coop6reront, fond6 sur un effort energique de production, sur le developpement du commerce inter- national, l'etablissement ou le maintien de la stabilit6 financiere interieure et le d6veloppement de la cooperation 6conomique, y com- pris toutes les mesures praticables pour 6tablir ou maintenir des taux de change appropri6s et pour reduire les obstacles aux 6changes; Considerant que pour la mise en application de ces principes, le 2452