Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1262

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 United States of America. The Go- vernment of Sweden will, when so requested by the Government of the United States of America, enter in- to negotiations for detailed arrange- ments necessary to carry out the pro- visions of this paragraph. 2. Recognizing the principle of equity in respect to the drain upon the natural resources of the United States of America and of the parti- cipating countries, the Government of Sweden will, when so requested by the Government of the United States of America, negotiate where applicable (a) a future schedule of minimum availabilities to the United States of America for future purchase and delivery of a fair share bf mate- rials originating in Sweden which are required by the United States of America as a result of deficien- cies or potential deficiencies in its own resources at world market prices so as to protect the access of United States industry to an equitable share of such materials either in percentages of production or in absolute quantities from Swe- den, (b) arrangements providing suitable protection for the right of access for any citizen of the United States of America or any corporation, partnership, or other association created under the laws of the United States of America or of any State or Territory thereof and substantially beneficially owned by citizens of the United Bveriges regering kommer att p& begaran av Forenta Staternas re- gering inleda fdrhandlingar an- gaende de narmare anordningar, vilka kunna vara nSdvandiga for genomfarandet av bestammelserna i detta moment. 2. Sveriges regering, som er- kanner principen om lika behand- ling med avseende pa iansprAkta- gande av FPrenta Staternas och de deltagande lAndernas naturtill- gangar, kommer att pA begaran av Fdrenta Staternas regering, dar skil dartill fireligga, forhandla angaende (a) ett program upptagan- de de minimikvantiteter som skola kunna framdeles k8pas av och le- vereras till PBrenta Staterna till varldsmarknadspriser, sAsom en rattvis andel av de rAvaror av svenskt ursprung, eom PSrenta Sta- terna behover till fljd. av bris- ter eller eventuella framtida brister i de egna resurserna, for att trygga tillg&ngen for PFrenta Staternas industri till en rattvis andel i sAdana rAvaror, antingen i viss procent av produktionen eller vissa absoluta kvantiteter, 0) anordningar ftr att bereda liMpligt skydd for rotten for varje amerikansk medborgnre eller for varje bolag, handclsbolag eller annan sammanslutning, som bildats enligt Ftrenta Staternas lagar eller enligt lagarna i nAgon av dess delstater eller territorii och vari de dvervbiande intressena 2551