Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1267

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. will, upon appropriate notification from the Ambassador of the United States of America in Sweden, con- sider the Special Mission and its personnel, and the United States Special Representative in Europe, as part of the Embassy of the United States of America in Sweden for the purpose of enjoying the privileges and immunities accorded to that Embassy and its personnel of comparable rank. The Government of Sweden will further accord appro. priate courtesies to the members and staff of the Joint Committee on Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Confress of the United States of Americaand grant them the facili- ties and assistance necessary to the effective performance of their responsibilities. 3. The Government of Sweden, directly and through its represen- tatives on the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, will extend full cooperation to the Special Mission. tQ the United States Special Representative in Europe and his staff, and to the members and staff of the Joint Com- mittee. Such cooperation shall incld the provision of all information and facilities the obser- vation and review Of the carrying out of this Agreement, including the use of assistance furnished under it. efter vederborligt meddelande fr&n Fdrenta Staternas ambassador i Sverige betrakta den sarskilda de- legationen och dess medlemmar'samt FSrenta Staternas sarskilda repre- sentant i Europa sasom delar av Pbrenta Staternas ambassad i Sve- rige for att de skola k6mma i at- njutande av de privilegier och immniniteter, som givits ambassaden och dess medlemmar i motsvarande rangstallning. Sveriges regering kommer vidare att bereda lampliga formaner fBr medlemmarna i det sammansatta utskottet for utlandskt ekononiskt samarbete i PFrenta Staternas kongress samt dess per- sonal och bevilja dem de lattna- dor och det bistand som aro nod- vandiga for att deras Aligganden skola kunna effektivt zenomfSras. 3. Sveriges regering kommer att, direkt och genom sina ombud vid Organisationen ftr europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbete, i'full ut- ztrackning samarbeta med den sar- skilda delegationen, FPrenta Sta- ternas sarskilda representant i Europa och hans personal samt det sammansatta utskottets medlemmar och personal. Detta samarbete skall liven omfatta limnandet av alla uppgifter och all hJalp som erfordras for att fSlja och over- blicka genomforandet av denna ovzrenskommelse, daribland an- vandningen av 'darunder lamnat bi- stAnd. 2556