Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1324

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INDEX Austria-Continued Trade-mark registrations, extension of time for renewing, proclamation__ Aviation. See also Air Bases; Air Trans- port Services; Airlines. Aviation Mission, Civil, agreement with Colombia ---------------------- Aviation Policy, National, printing of ad- ditional copies of report ---------- Ayotte, Euclid Duke Fred, pardon of --- Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth, payment to------------------------------- Aztec Ruins National Monument, N. Mex., Page 1559 1884 1431 1442 1410 enlargement, proclamation---------- 1513 B B & R Machine Works, relief from compli- ance with certain Navy Department contract requirement ------------- Backer, David M., pardon of -------- Badgeley, Kenneth Carl, pardon of ----- Baggett, Noal, pardon of--------------- Bailey, Claude Ivan, pardon of --------- Bailey, William George, pardon of ------ Baity, Wilsie Gray, pardon of ---------- Baker, Charles L., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim or claims - _____ _-- -__ _- Baker, Jesse Everett, pardon of ------- Baker, Paul Wilmer, pardon of ------- Baker, Richard Collins, pardon of ------- Baker, Thomas I., payment to_ - -- __ - - - Baker, William Louis, pardon of ------- Baldwin, Woodie Odell, pardon of------ Ball, James Woodrow, pardon of-------- Baltazar, Simeon R., pardon of -------- Balthasar, Joseph John, pardon of ----- Balzhauser, William, pardon of -------- Banfield, Robert Thomas, Jr., pardon of- Bangert, Orlo Tony, pardon of --- _____ Banks, Clyde Samuel, pardon of-------- Bar Association, Inter-American, welcome by Congress to conference in United States-------------------- _ _ _ - _ _ _ Barbagallo, Salvatore Dominic, pardon of- Barber, Robert Watson, pardon of------- Barker, Floyd Nelson, pardon of ----- __ Barletta, Harry, pardon of ------------ _ Barnett, Don Harold, pardon of -------- Barr, Edward A., payment to - -.- -. _- - Bases, Military Air, Caribbean Area and Bermuda, use by civil aircraft, agree- ment with United Kingdom ------- Bastida, Pedro, admission for permanent residence---


_--- -..-- Bateman, J. C., payment to --..------ Bauer, Willis E., pardon of -.. ..- -. .. .. Bauman, Chester Wanner, pardon of---- Baxter, Ben, pardon of_- - - - _ .----- ___ Baxter, Lester Eugene, pardon of---- 1365 1442 1442 1442 1442 1443 1443 1325 1443 1443 1443 1399 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1$43 1443 1443 1433 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1408 1860 1304 1298 1443 1443 1443 1443 Baylor, Michael Lee, pardon of -------- Beam, Jacob D., payment to --------- Beard, Donald Roy, pardon of ------- Beasley, James Elmer, pardon of - _- - - Becker, Leslie Clyde, pardon of -- __-_- Bednar, Francisca, admission for perma- nent residence

--- --- --- --- -

Bednar, Peter, admission for permanent residence ------------------- Bednar, Peter Walter, admission for per- manent residence----------- Bednar, William Joseph, admission for permanent residence.

-- Bee, Howard Gillis, pardon of ---- _- Begin, J. Alcide Bertrand, pardon of---- Belgian Congo, International Institute of Agriculture, treaty respecting--- Belgium: Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union, trade agreement, Feb. 27, 1935, termination of proclamation -- International agreements other than treaties- Economic cooperation ___ - ---_ _ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947, supple- mentation- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying--------------------- Article XXIV, special protocol relating to------------------ Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a)__ Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting---------- Rectifications, protocol of----- Trade-mark registrations, extension of time for renewing, proclamation___ Treaties- Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v. Public Health, International Office of, q.v. Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolongation of agree- ment of May 6, 1937 ------- Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union, trade agreement, Feb. 27, 1935, termina- tion of proclamation ---- __ -- _ ____ Bell, Tobias Jethru, pardon of---------- Belmont Properties Corporation, Arlington, Va., payment to -------- _----____ Below, G. R ., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim.


Belton, Paul, pardon of ---------- Benedict, Donald LaVerne, pardon of--_ - Bennett, Paul Edward, pardon of ------ Bently, John Henry, pardon of -------- Berekoff, John James, pardon of------ Page 1443 1314 1443 1443 1443 1356 1356 1356 1356 1443 1443 1581 1464 2173 2000 2013 1988 1992 1962 1525 1654 1464 1443 1305 1319 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 CLXIV