Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1334

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CLXXIV Flag Day, 1948, proclamation ----- _ -_ _ - Fleischman, Albert, payment to-------- Fletcher, Norman Collings, pardon of --_ Floomar, Lloyd Frederick, pardon of----- Flora, Eugene Edward, pardon of __ -- -- Flora, Glenn William, pardon of-- _ -_ _ _ . Flores Martinez, John, pardon of -- .- __- Flores-Rey, Ernesto, pardon of----- _ _ _ - Foltanek, Frank Ferdinand, pardon of--_ Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations, transfer of functions and assets of International Institute of Agriculture to, multilateral protocol respecting ----------------------- Food Production Program, Cooperative, agreement with Costa Rica--------- Foote, Caleb, pardon of --------------- Foote, Walter A., payment to --_- __-- -_ Ford, Frank, payment to--------------- Foreign Affairs, House Committee on: Mundt subcommittee, printing of addi- tional copies of report on investiga- tion of U. S. Information Service in Europe-----------------__ -- National and International Movements, Subcommittee on, printing of addi- tional copies of report and supple- ments as House document ------- Foreign Aid. See also Mutual Aid Settle- ment Agreements. Austria ---

-__---_- -__ France -------------------- _-_ _- __- Italy --- . ----- ----- -. . ---. -- -- _-- -- Foreign Aid, Select Committee on, print- ing of Final Report---------------- Foreign Service, U. S ., payments to cer- tain personnel for property losses - - Forrest, General Harrison, pardon of---- Forrester, James Rubin, pardon of------ Forrester, Lawrence Franklin, pardon of - Fort, Ivan E., pardon of---------------- Fort Matanzas National Monument, Fla., enlargement, proclamation

Fort McHenry National Monument, dis- play of U. S . flag at, proclamation___ Fort Myers Army Airfield, Fla., easement to Inter-County Telephone and Tele- graph Company near ----------- Fortier, Joseph A., payment to --------- Foss, Ada B., payment to _

_ Foss, Frederick Vance, pardon of ------ Foster, Floyd Raymond, pardon of -- --- Fountain, Richard, pardon of ------ .- - Fox, Floyd Elam, pardon of----- ----- _- Fox, Roy V., payment to -------------- France: Agreement, trade, May 6, 1936, termina- tion of proclamation ---. - - -- - . .. Page 1515 1408 1447 1447 1447 1447 1453 1447 1447 1581 2045 1447 1314 1409 1428 1429 1829 1823 1807 1431 1314 1447 1447 1447 1447 1491 1526 1369 1339 1304 1447 1447 1447 1447 1339 1464 France-Continued International agreements other than treaties- Assistance to people of France ----- Dual nationality, military obligations of persons having------------. Economic cooperation-_____________ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947, supplemen- tation- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying. _ .- __ _- __ _._- -_ __. - Article XXIV, special protocol re- lating to--__ ____ ____ __ .__-- Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a) _ Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting ----- ___. Rectifications, protocol of--- .- _ __ German property in Spain, liquida- tion of

________________ Industrial property rights affected by World War II, restoration of, supplementary agreement re- specting .. _... -- __ _____ _____ - Treaties- Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v. Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolongation of agree- ment of May 6, 1937----------- Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946----------------- . .--- Protocol of Nov. 20, 1945, exten- sion -- .. .- ... ....-- Francis Marion National Forest Wildlife Preserve, S. C ., establishment, proc- lamation -------- _---_ _--__..__._ Frank, Alfred B., payment to--------- . Frazier, Dossie, pardon of . -. ... ... .. . Frazier, James Lonnel, pardon of----- . _ _ Frazier, William Chester, pardon of- ... . Frederick, Calvin J., payment to__---_ __ Freeman, Earl Dale, pardon of---------- Freeman, Fulton, payment to -__- --___- Freeman, Merle Lee, pardon of ________ Freitas, Alfred Thomas, payment to ---- French Zone of Occupation of Germany, economic cooperation, agreement --- Friedt, Mervin Ray, pardon of --.-- --- Fujihara, Shiro, pardon of ------------- Fujii, John Jiro, pardon of------.- - -- -- - Fujii, Shigeru, pardon of--- .- - -- - -- -- - . Fujimoto, Albert Kenji, pardon of------- Fujinaka, Tatsuo George, pardon of----- Fujioka, Tom Tamotsu, pardon of- ----- Page 1823 1950 2223 2000 2013 1988 1992 1962 2061 1876 1654 1716 1577 1510 1408 1447 1447 1447 1297 1447 1314 1447 1300 2251 1447 1447 1447 1447 1447 1447 1447 INDEX