Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/252

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PROCLAMATIONS-JULY 15, 1948 Item (paragraph) 601 [second]...... 735.............. 757 ............. 758 [second] ...... 761 [first] ......... 762.............. 763.............. 769 [second]....... 1101 (a) [first].... 1101 (b).......... 1102 (a).......... 1518 [fourth]...... 1636............. 1653............. 1654............. 1656............. 1783 (b).......... (section) 3424............. Rates of duty 15i per lb ......................... 10 per lb .......................... All rates ........................... 134%per lb......................... %8 per lb.......................... 1Y per lb. [first such rate].......... Y4 per lb.......................... 40 per lb .......................... 1¢ per lb. on the entire contents of the container ....................... All rates............................ Free, subject to the provisions of para- graph 1101 (b), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, identified herein only as to other than camel hair.......... All rates ........................... 30% ad val........................ Free .............................. Free .............................. Free .............................. Free .............................. Free .............................. Rates of import tax $3 per 1000 ft., board measure........ $1.50 per 1000 ft., board measure [sec- ond such rate]................... Date July 30,1948 July 30, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 30,1948 July 30,1948 July 30, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 30, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 9,1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948 July 30,1948 July 30,1948 July 31, 1948 July 31, 1948; and WHEREAS (7) I determine that, in view of the determination set forth in the 6th recital of this proclamation, the following amendments of the list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948, as amended and rectified, are required or appropriate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation: (a) The deletion, on and after July 30, 1948, of item 758 in said Ante, p. 1470. 9th recital; and (b) The deletion, on and after July 31, 1948, of item 762 in said 9th recital; mProclaation o fit' NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Harry S. Truman, ing duties, etc. President of the United States of America, acting under the authority 48 Stas.

  • 3.

of said section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as so amended, do pro- 19 U. c. claim: Part I To the end that said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation may be carried out, that each of the concessions Pt. 5, provided for in part I of said schedule XX which are identified in the 6th recital of this proclamation shall, on and after the date set forth following the identification of each such concession, no longer be Pt. 2 , identified in the 8th recital of said proclamation of December 16 1947, and on and after said date the rate of duty representing each such concession identified in said 6th recital of this proclamation shall be applied, subject to the applicable terms, conditions, and qualifica- Pt. 5, tions set forth in said schedule XX, and parts I, II, and III, of said general agreement, and in subdivision (a), other than exception (I) Pt. 2 , thereof, of said proclamation of December 16, 1947, including any amendments and rectifications of said agreement and said proclama- tion which have been proclaimed by the President, to articles of a kind provided for in the description of products in the column at the left of said rate; and Part II To the end that said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation may be carried out, that the list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of January 1, 1948, as amended and rectified, shall be further amended in the manner, and on and 1530 [62 STAT. 61 Sta:t., p. A1157 . 61 Stat., p. 1105 . 61 Stat., pp. A1157, Al A66. 61 Stat., p. 1110 . Ante, p. 1468