Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/425

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62STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-RECIPROCAL ASSISTANCE-SEPT. 2, 1947 ARTICLE 18 In the case of a situation or dispute between American States, the Dispute. parties directly interested shall be excluded from the voting referred to in two preceding Articles. ARTICLE 19 To constitute a quorum in all the meetings referred to in the pre- vious Articles, it shall be necessary that the number of States repre- sented shall be at least equal to the number of votes necessary for the taking of the decision. ARTICLE 20 Decisions which require the application of the measures specified in Article 8 shall be binding upon all the Signatory States which have ratified this Treaty, with the sole exception that no State shall be required to use armed force without its consent. ARTICLE 21 The measures agreed upon by the Organ of Consultation shall be executed through the procedures and agencies now existing or those which may in the future be established. ARTICLE 22 This Treatry shall come into effect between the States which ratify it as soon as the ratifications of two-thirds of the Signatory States have been deposited. ARTICLE 23 This Treaty is open for signature by the American States at the city of Rio de Janeiro, and shall be ratified by the Signatory States as soon as possible in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The ratifications shall be deposited with the Pan American Union, which shall notify the Signatory States of each deposit. Such notification shall be considered as an exchange of ratifications. ARTICLE 24 The present Treaty shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations through the Pan American Union, when two-thirds of the Signatory States have deposited their ratifications. ARTICLE 25 This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely, but may be denounced by any High Contracting Party by a notification in writing to the Pan American Union, which shall inform all the other High Contracting Parties of each notification of denunciation received. After the expiration of two years from the date of the receipt by the Pan American Union of a notification of denunciation by any High Con- tracting Party, the present Treaty shall cease to be in force and with respect to such State, but shall remain in full force and effect with respect to all the other High Contracting Parties. Quorum. Application of meas- ures. Ante, p. 1701. Execution of meas- ures. Effective date. Post, p. 1712. Ratification. Registration. Duration of Treaty. 1703