Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/686

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1967 62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TARIFFS AND TRADE-MAR. 24, 1948 Schedule III (cont.)-United States Liste III (suite) - Etats-Unis du of Brazil Bresil mixed fruits for salad made up chiefly of the foregoing:" (ii) The rate of duty for this item shall be: "4.20" SCHEDULE V-CANADA Rectifications in this Schedule are authentic only in the English and French languages Part I - Most-favoured-nation ainsi que fruits m6langes pour salades constitu6es principale- ment par les fruits ci-dessus:" LISTE V-CANADA Seuls font foi les textes anglais et francais des rectifications portant sur la pr6sente liste Premiere Partie - Tarif de la tariff Item ex 156 (v) The Rate of Duty applicable to sub-section (v) "Liqueurs. . .," shall read: "$4.50" Item ex 162 The first eleven words of the description shall read: "Vermouth, aperitif and cordial wines, containing thirty-two per cent. or less" Item ex 172 [second] The description shall read: "Prayer books, missals, psalters, religious pictures and mottoes, not to include frames" Item 187b The description shall read: "Sensitized negative film, one and one-eighth inches in width or over, for exposure in motion picture cameras" Item 438e (3) In sub-paragraph (3) the de- scription shall read: "Parts, n. o . p., electro-plated or not, whether finished or not" nation la plus favorisee 61 Stat., Pt. I, p. A407. Position ex 162 Les treize premiers mots de la designation des produits doivent se lire: "vermouth, vins ap6ritifs et cor- diaux, ne titrant pas plus de 32 p. 100" Position ex 172 [deuxieme] La designation des produits doit se lire comme suit: "Livres de prieres, missels et psautiers, images et devises reli- gieuses, non compris les cadres" 61 Stat., Pt. 6. p. A408; Pt. 6, p. A1673, 61 Stat., Pt. 6, p. A410; It. 6 , A1676. 61 Stat., Pt. $, P. A411. Position 438e (3) st at. Pt. . p. A448; Pt. 6, p. A1716' La designation des produits A l'alinea (3) doit se lire comme suit: "Pieces, n.d., plaquees ou non, achev6es ou non"