Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/863

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82 STAT.] AUSTRIA-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 2, 1948 shall be in all respects without prejudice to other rights of access, if any, of either Government to the International Court of Justice or to the espousal and presentation of claims based upon alleged violations by either Government of rights and duties arising under treaties, agreements or principles of international law. 2. The Governments of the United States of America and of Austria further agree that such claims may be referred, in lieu of the Court, to any arbitral tribunal mutually agreed upon. 3. It is further understood that neither Government will espouse a claim pursuant to this Article until its national has exhausted the remedies available to him in the administrative and judicial tribunals of the country in which the claim arose. ARTICLE X (Definitions) As used in this Agreement the term "participating country" means (1) any country which signed the report of the Committee of European Economic Cooperation at Paris on September 22, 1947, [11 and territories for which it has international responsibility and to which the Economic Cooperation Agreement concluded between that country and the Government of the United States of America has been applied, and (2) any other country (including any of the zones of occupation of Germany, any areas under international administration or con- trol, and the Free Territory of Trieste or either of its zones) wholly or partly in Europe, together with dependent areas under its ad- ministration; for so long as such country is a party to the Conven- tion for European Economic Cooperation and adheres to a joint program for European recovery designed to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement. ARTICLE XI (Entry into Force, Amendment, Duration) 1. This Agreement shall become effective on this day's date. Sub- ject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, it shall remain in force until June 30, 1953, and, unless at least six months before June 30, 1953, either Government shall have given notice in writing to the other of intention to terminate the Agreement on that date, it shall remain in force thereafter until the expiration of six months from the date on which such notice shall have been given. 2. If during the life of this Agreement, either Government should consider there has been a fundamental change in the basic assump- tions underlying this Agreement, it shall so notify the other Govern- ment in writing, and the two Governments will thereupon consult with a view to agreeing upon the amendment, modification or ter- mination of this Agreement. If, after three months from such notifi- cation, the two Governments have not agreed upon the action to be taken in the circumstances, either Government may give notice in Department of State publication 2930. 2145 Post, p. 2147. " Participating country." Effective date; du- ration. Modification, etc. Pod, p. 2146.