Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/893

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. operation Act of 1948, the receipt of such assistance by Belgium, and the measures which the two Gov- ernments will take individually and together in furthering the recovery of Belgium as an integral part of the joint program for European recovery; Have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I (Assistance and Cooperation) 1. The Government of the United States of America under- takes to assist Belgium, by making available to the Government of Belgium or to any person, agency, or organization designated by the latter Government such assistance as may be requested by it and approved by the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America will furnish this assistance under the provisions, and subject to all of the terms, conditions and termination provi- sions, of the Economic Coopera- 62Stat.,Pt.1,p. 37. tion Act of 1948, acts amendatory and supplementary thereto and appropriation acts thereunder, and will make available to the Govern- ment of Belgium only such com- modities, services, and other assist- ance as are authorized to be made available by such acts. 2. The Government of Belgium, acting individually and through the Organization for European Eco- nomic Cooperation, consistently with the Convention for Euro- pean Economic Cooperation signed at 'Paris on April 16, 1948, will exert sustained efforts in common with other participating countries speedily to achieve through a joint recovery program economic con- que de 1948, la reception d'une telle aide par la Belgique, et les mesures que les deux Gouverne- ments prendront individuellement, ou de concert, pour assurer le relevement de la Belgique en tant que partie integrante du pro- gramme commun de relevement europeen; Sont convenus de ce qui suit: ARTICLE I (Assistance et Cooperation) 1. Le Gouvernement des Etats- Unis affirme son intention d'aider la Belgique en mettant a la dis- position du Gouvernement de Bel- gique ou de toute personne, service ou organisation qui pourrait etre d6signes par ce Gouvernement telle aide qui pourrait etre demand6e par ce dernier et approuv6e par le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis accordera cette aide conform6ment aux termes, et sous reserve de toutes les dispositions, conditions et clauses de suspension de la Loi de Cooperation Economique de 1948, ainsi que des lois qui l'amen- dent ou la completent et de celles qui portent ouverture des credits, et ne mettra a la disposition du Gouvernement de Belgique que les produits, services et autres formes d'aide dont l'octroi aura ete auto- rise par ces lois. 2. Le Gouvernement de Bel- gique agissant individuellement et dans le cadre de l'Organisation Europeenne de Cooperation Eco- nomique conform6ment a la Con- vention de Cooperation Economi- que Europeenne signee A Paris le 16 avril 1948 fera, en commun avec les autres pays participants, tous ses efforts pour 6tablir rapidement en Europe, par un programme 2176