Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1002

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62 STAT.] ECUADOR-AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION-Jan. 26 1948 Apr. 16 , 1948 con el establecimiento y funcionamiento de una Estaci6n Agricola Cooperativa en el Ecuador" transcrito en la nota de mi referencia. Valgome de la oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra Excelencia las seguridades de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. Por el Ministro, el Subsecretario: J A BAQUERO Josh ANTONIO BAQUERO. ANEXO. Al Excelentisimo Sefior Don JOHN F. SIMMONS, Embajador Extraordinarioy Plenipotenciariode los Estados Unidos de Norte America. Presente. PROYECTO DE PRESUPUESTO PARA TERMINAR EL PROGRAMA DE CONSTRUCCIONES DE LA ESTACION DE AGRICULTURA TROPICAL DEL ECUADOR l.-Terminaci6n de: (a)-Edificio del hospital ............. S/.140.000 (b)-Casa de ladrillo ndmero 2 ............. S/.25 .000 (c)-Casas de madera ndmeros 3, 4, 5 y 6 (cada una S/.16 .000) ......................... S/.64 .000 (d)-Casas para el cacao y propagadores ...... S/.10 .000 2.-Construcci6n de cinco casas para obreros (cada una S/.6.000). . ........ .. ... ... . S/. -- S/.239.000 S!.30.000 3.-Compra de: (a)-Planta electrica .......... (b)-Bomba de Agua ......... (c)-Muebles ............. .. . . .. S/.150.000 . . .. . S/.50.000 . . .. . S/.20 .000 S/.220.000 SUMAN S/.489.000 Translation REPUBLIC OF ECUAIOR MINISTRY OF FOREIGN RELATIONS DIPLOMATIC DEPARTMENT No. 79-DDP. QUITO, May 14, 1948 MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to address Your Excellency and, with reference to the content of my note No. 64-DDP of April 16 last, I take pleasure in transmitting herewith a proposed budget for the completion of the Building Program at the Tropical Agricultural Station in Ecuador. I shall appreciate it if Your Excellency will be good enough to give due consideration to this budget and to have it entered as a part of the "Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Ecuador and the Government of the United States of America regard- ing the Establishment and Operation of a Cooperative Agricultural 3619 Ate, p. 3611 .