Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1213

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3834 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. which provides for the beginning and execution of the program now in progress on sanitation and public health in Brazil. 2. Your Excellency informs me in that note that the Government of the United States of America, in virtue of the mutual benefits derived from the aforementioned program of cooperation, agrees with the suggestion made by the Government of the United States of Brazil that it be extended. 3. Your Excellency also informs me that the Government of the United States of America believes that an arrangement may be made for the Institute of Inter-American Affairs to continue to participate in the program of cooperation in question for a period of six (6) months, from December 31, 1948 to June 30, 1949. 4. The aforesaid arrangement shall provide that during the period of extension the Institute of Inter-American Affairs will contribute $250,000 U.S . cy. (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars) in currency to the Servigo Especial de Sadde Pdblica (SESP) [Special Public Health Service (SPHs)]. This amount is to be used in the fulfillment of the planned activities of the program, and the Government of the United States of Brazil shall contribute the amount of $50,000,000.00 Cruzeiros (fifty million cruzeiros) to the same organization and for the same purposes. 5. The Institute of Inter-American Affairs further undertakes to con- tribute, during this period of extension, the amounts to be used in the payment of salaries and other expenses of the members of the technical and administrative personnel of its Health and Sanitation Division in Brazil. This money will not be deposited to the account of the SESP and will remain in the possession of the Institute. These amounts will be in addition to the amounts already required under the Basic Agreement, as a contribution by the parties intended for the execution of the program thereof. 6. I take pleasure in communicating to Your Excellency that the Government of the United States of Brazil agrees with the Govern- ment of the United States of America on the extension of the Agree- ment on cooperation in matters of sanitation and public health in Brazil, according to the terms set forth above. This note and that of Your Excellency of December 15th, to which I refer in the begin- ning, shall constitute the expression of such agreement between the two Governments. This agreement shall come into force on the date of signature of the appropriate instrument of extension, with the aforesaid technical provisions, by the Minister of State for Education and Iealth of Brazil and the Representative of the Institute of Inter- American Affairs. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. RAUL FERNANDES His Excellency IIERSCHEI. V. JOHNSON, Ambassador of the United States of America.