Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/1527

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CCXX United Nations-Continued Page Registry of agreements- Economic cooperation- China ------------- . ...------- . 2953 Korea ------------------------- 3797 Portugal ---------------------- _ 2863 Trieste, Free Territory of, British/ U. S . Zone ------ ....----- - 3034 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Final Act, accession of signatories, protocol for-----.------- __ _ 3664 Protocol modifying part II and article XXVI -


. 3692 Rectifications, second protocol of__ 3671 International Labor Organization, constitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946 ------------------ 3486 International Refugee Organization, constitution ---. -- -- -- -- ____ -__ 3047 World Health Organization, constitu- tion------------------------- 2694 Trade, most-favored-nation treatment to occupied areas of Western Ger- many, deposit of original agree- ment, registry ------------------- 3655 World Health Organization, constitu- tion -------------------------- 2679 United States and United Kingdom Zones of Occupation, Germany: Economic fusion ---- ... ____-------- . 3645 Relief supplies and packages --------- 3860 Trade, reciprocal application of most- favored-nation treatment -------- 2895 United States Educational Commission. See Educational Commission, U. S., Establishment. United States Educational Foundation. See Educational Foundation, U. S ., Establishment. United States Occupied Areas, Most-Fa- vored-Nation Treatment to. See Trade, Most-Favored-Nation Treatment, Etc. United States Zone, Germany. See under Germany. Universal Postal Union. See Postal Union, Universal. Uruguay: Health and sanitation, cooperative pro- gram ---------------- 4108, 4117, 4128 Postal Union, Universal ------------- 3157 World Health Organization, constitu- tion--------------------------- 2679 USEFP. Se Educational Foundation, U. S., Establishment. V Page Vatican City State, Universal Postal Un- ion ------------------------------ 3157 Venezuela: Civil aviation mission -------------- 2666 International Labor Organization, con- stitution, instrument of amend- ment, 1946 -------------------- 3485 Postal Union, Universal ----- ___--- _ 3157 World Health Organization, constitu- tion--------------------------- 2679 Vienna Municipality, civil administration by----------------------------- 4041 Visas, Passport. See Passport Visas. W War Property, Surplus. See Surplus War Property, Settlement for. Weather Stations, Cooperative Program, Cuba---------------------------- 3134 West Indian Conference: Composition, functions, meetings----_ _ 2621 Establishment ---------------------- 2618 Western Zones of Germany. See under Germany. Whitehorse, Canada, land line communi- cation system along Alaska Highway_ 3884 Workers, Agricultural, Mexican, migra- tion to U. S-------------------- 3887 World Health Organization, constitution of, multilateral ------------------- 2679 Acceptance, U. S-- --- --- -- --- -- --- 2792 Amendments, provision concerning _ .._ 2693 Assembly, World Health-------- ... . 2683 Budget and expenses .-------------- 2690 Committees ----------------------- 2688 Conferences ---------------------. . . 2688 Entry into force -------- ..- -. -- - - 2694 Executive Board ------------------- 2686 Functions ------------------ .-- - - -- 2681 Headquarters --------------------- 2689 Integration, Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Pan American Sanitary Conferences ------------------- 2690 Interpretation ------------- ..----- - 2693 Legal capacity, privileges, immunities- _ 2692 Membership ----------------------- 2682 Regional arrangements ------------ _ 2689 Relations with other organizations - - 2692 Reports by members -------------- 2691 Secretariat ------------------------ 2687 Signatures --------------- ---- _ 2770-2790 Romanization ---------------- 2794-2798 United Nations- Registry with-------------------- 2694 Relationship to-- ---

2692 Voting ...


2691 Suspension of voting privileges ----- 2682 INDEX