Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/205

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62 STAT.] ARGENTINA-MILITARY MISSION-OCT. 6, 1948 route and method of travel used by the Adviser. ARTICLE 15. Each Adviser and his family shall be furnished by the Government of the Republic of Argentina with first-class ac- commodations for travel, via the shortest usually travelled route, required and performed under this Agreement, between the port of embarkation in the United States of America and his official resi- dence in Argentina, both for the outward and for the return trip. The Government of the Republic of Argentina shall also pay all ex- penses of shipment of household effects, baggage, and automobile of each Adviser between the port of embarkation in the United States of America and his official residence in Argentina as well as all expenses incidental to the transportation of such household effects, baggage, and automobile from Argentina to the port of entry in the United States of America. Transportation of such household effects, baggage, and automobile shall be effected in one shipment, and all subsequent shipments shall be at the expense of the respective Adviser, except as otherwise pro- vided in this Agreement or when such shipments are necessitated by circumstances beyond his control. ARTICLE 16. If the services of any of the Advisers should be ter- minated for any reason whatsoever before the completion of two years of service, the Government of the Republic of Argentina shall not be obligated to pay the cost of the return to the United States of America of such Adviser, his family, household effects, and bag- gage, including automobile. Nei- ther shall it be obligated to pay the cost of transporting the re- que sea la ruta y el medio de trans- porte de que se sirva el Asesor. ARTICULO 15. El Gobierno de la Argentina proporcionara a cada Asesor y a su familia pasajes de primera clase por la ruta mas corta generalmente empleada para el viaje que se requiera y que se efectde de conformidad con este Convenio, entre el puerto de em- barque en los Estados Unidos de America y su residencia oficial en la Argentina, tanto para el viaje de ida como para el de regreso. El Gobierno de la Argentina tam- bien pagara, ademas, todos los gastos de embarque de los efectos caseros, equipaje y autom6vil de cada Asesor entre el puerto de em- barque en los Estados Unidos de America y su residencia oficial en la Argentina, asi como todos los gastos incidentales al transporte de dichos efectos caseros, equipaje y autom6vil desde la Argentina hasta el puerto de entrada en los Estados Unidos de America. El transporte de dichos efectos ca- seros, equipaje y autom6vil se efectuara en un solo embarque, y todo embarque subsiguiente sera por cuenta del respectivo Asesor, salvo lo que se disponga de otro modo en este Convenio, o cuando dichos embarques sean necesarios por circunstancias ajenas a su voluntad. ARTICULO 16. Si antes de com- pletarse dos afnos de servicio se terminaren por cualquier raz6n los servicios de algun Asesor, el Gobierno de la Repdblica Argen- tina no estarA obligado a cubrir el costo del viaje de regreso a los Estados Unidos de America de dicho Asesor, su familia, efectos caseros y equipaje, incluso auto- m6vil. Tampoco estara obligado a sufragar los gastos de transporte del que venga a reemplazar al Travel accommoda- tions. Shipment of house- hold effects, etc. Termination of serv- ices prior to specified time, return expenses. 2813