Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/724

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3338 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. III. Exception to the applicationof the ratesfor commercial papers, prints and samples of merchandise. Ante, p. 3320. As an exception to the provisions of Article 36, the countries have the right not to apply the rate fixed for the first unit of weight to commercial papers, prints, and samples and to preserve the rate of 4 centimes for this unit, with a minimum of 8 centimes for samples of merchandise. IV. Avoirdupois ounce. It is agreed, as an exceptional measure, that countries which, on account of their domestic legislation, cannot adopt the decimal metric system of weights, have the option of substituting therefor the avoir- dupois ounce (28.3465 grams), assimilating one ounce to 20 grams for letters and Phonopost articles, and 2 ounces to 50 grams for com- mercial papers, prints, raised print for the use of the blind, samples and small packets. V. Mailing of correspondence in another country. No country is bound to forward or deliver to addressees articles which any senders domiciled on its territory mail or cause to be mailed in a foreign country with a view to profiting by lower rates which are established there. The rule applies, without distinction, either to arti- cles prepared in the country inhabited by the sender and subsequently transported across the border, or to articles prepared in a foreign country. The Administration concerned has the right either to return the articles in question to origin or to charge them with its domestic postage rates. The methods of collecting the charges are left to its discretion. VI. Internationalreply coupons. Administrations have the option of not undertaking the sale of international reply coupons or of limiting their sale. VII. Registrationfee. Countries which cannot fix at 40 centimes the registration fee con- Ante,p. 3328 . templated by Article 56['], Section 2, are authorized to collect a fee which may amount to as much as 50 centimes, or their domestic registration fee. ' This should be 57 but is 56 in the certified copy.