Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/777

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION-JULY 5, 1947 4. The captain of a mail steamer carrying mails addressed to a naval division or warship holds them at the disposal of the com- manding officer of the division or vessel of destination, in case the latter should request their delivery en route. 5. If the ships are not at the place of destination when the dis- patches addressed to them arrive there, such dispatches are held at the post office until they are withdrawn by the addressee or forwarded to another point. Redirection may be requested either by the Postal Administration of origin or by the commanding officer of the naval division or vessel of destination; or, finally, by a Consul of the same nationality. 6. Those of the dispatches in question which bear the note: Aux soins du Consul d ___--- -- (incare of the Consul of ...--- _) are delivered to the Consulate indicated. Later on, they may, at the request of the Consul, be turned back to the postal service and returned to the place of origin or forwarded to another destination. 7. Dispatches addressed to a warship are considered as being in transit up to their delivery to the commanding officer of the ship, even if they were originally addressed in care of a post office or to a Consul charged with serving as intermediate forwarding agent; they are not, therefore, considered as having arrived at their address as long as they have not been delivered to the warship of destination. ARTICLE 167. Prepayment bulletins. Accountingfor customs charges, etc. 1. The accounting for customs charges, etc., paid out by each Administration on behalf of another, is effected by means of indi- vidual monthly accounts conforming to Form C 26 hereto appended, which are made up by the debtor Administration in currency of the creditor country. The prepayment bulletins are entered in the alpha- betical order of the offices which have advanced the charges, and in the numerical order which has been given them. 2. If the two Administrations concerned also assure the parcel- post service in their reciprocal relations, they may, in the absence of contrary notification, include in the accounts of prepayment bulle- tins relative to the latter service those relative to the regular-mail service. 3. The individual account, accompanied by the prepayment bulle- tins, is transmitted to the creditor Administration, at the latest by the end of the month following the one to which it relates. No negative accounts are prepared. 4. Verification of the accounts takes place under the conditions fixed by the Regulations of the Agreement concerning money orders. 5. The accounts give rise to a special settlement. Each Admin- istration may, however, request that such accounts be appended either to the money-order accounts or to the parcel-post accounts C P 16 or the collect-on-delivery accounts R 5. 3391 Retention, etc. Dispatches in care of Consul. Dispatches ad- dressed to a warship. Ante, p. 3278. Inclusion of regular- mail service. Transmission of ac- counts. Verification. Settlement.