Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/959

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62STAT.] MEXICO-FISHERIES MISSION-Sept. 15,1948 Oct. 6 , 1948 Agreement between the United States of America and Mexico respecting a fisheries mission, further extending the agreement effected by ex- changes of communications dated April 17, May 22, July 22 and 27, and October 24, 1942. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Wash- ington September 15 and October 6, 1948; entered into force October 6, 1948. The Secretary of State to the Mexican Charge d'Affaires ad interim DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON SIR: Sep 15 1948 I refer to the Embassy's note no. 2807 of May 28, 1948 [1] and to the Department's note of June 30, 1948 ['] in reply, concerning the request of the Government of Mexico for the extension, beginning October 23, 1948, of the Fisheries Mission to Mexico, headed by Mr. Milton J. Lindner. It is a pleasure to inform you that it will be possible to extend the Memorandum Agreement [2 establishing the Mission in reference under similar conditions as those obtaining in the extension effected by note no. 414 of September 23, 1946 from the American Ambassa- dor at Mexico, D. F. to the Mexican Secretary for Foreign Relations and the note of October 22, 1946 from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico to the American Ambassador in reply. That is to say, the agreement can be extended for another two- year period, or to October 23, 1950, on the understanding that the Fish and Wildlife Service reserves the privilege of withdrawing Mr. Lindner from time to time for temporary duty not related to the Mission's work and that this Government's participation in the Mission is subject to the availability of appropriated funds for the purpose after June 30, 1949, the end of the current fiscal year. If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to the Government of Mexico, and if you will inform this Department to that effect, your note of approval will be considered as consummation of the extension of the Memorandum Agreement which will otherwise expire on October 23, 1948. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. For the Secretary of State: The Honorable GEORGE V. ALLEN The Honorable Seior Don RAFAEL DE LA COLINA, Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of Mexico. 'Not printed. 2 The phrase "memorandum agreement" was used in communication 3041 of Sept. 7, 1944, from the American Embassy to describe an agreement "effected by the exchange of notes between the Embassy and the Ministry, particularly the Embassy's communications no. 138 and no. 269 of April 17 and May 22, 1942, and the Ministry's note no. 58807 of October 24, 1942." (See 58 Stat. 1554 .) September 15, and October 6, 1948 IT. I. A. S. 1869] 61 Stat., Pt. 3, p. 2903. 61 Stat. Pt. 3, p. 2904. 3575