Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/984

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62 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-FERROUS SCRAP-SEPT. 30 , 1948 amended by the Agreement of December 17, 1947. Questions which may arise with respect to scrap exports under the present Agreement will be resolved as contemplated in paragraph 5 of the Agreement of December 17, 1947, having regard also to the provisions of paragraph 3 (a) of the latter Agreement. Upon receipt of a note from you indicating your Government's approval of the terms of the above Memorandum, my Government will consider that this note and your reply constitute an Agreement between the two Governments effective from the date of your reply. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my highest consideration. OLIVER FRANKS. The Honourable ROBERT A. LOVETT, Acting Secretary of State, United States Department of State, Washington, D. C . The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON September 30, 1948 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note No. 518 of September 30, 1948 proposing that an Agreement be entered into be- tween the Government of the United States of America and His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom on the subject of fer- rous scrap exports. The terms of the proposed Agreement are set forth in the following Memorandum: MEMORANDUM ON FERROUS SCRAP I. Proposal to OEEC Countries on Allocation Machinery A proposal will be put before the members of the Organization of European Economic Cooperation that an ad hoc Committee be estab- lished in Paris consisting of representatives of OEEC members and the United States as a full member. It is proposed that this Com- mittee, although outside the jurisdiction of the OEEC Council, should work in close cooperation with it and its committees. The functions of the Committee shall be to make recommendations to the Govern- ments of the countries participating in the OEEC, including the Bizonal Area of Germany and the French Zone, on the distribution of scrap exports from those countries. Final decisions with respect to exports will be made, however, by the Governments of the exporting countries. In the Bizonal Area decisions will be made by the US and 3601 61 Stat., Pt. 4, p. 3608. 61 Stat. , Pt. 4, PP. 3612, 3610. Ante, p. 3598. Ad hoc Committee