Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1058

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1020 PUBLIC LAWS-CI. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 [63 STAT. to such supplies, equipment, and materials for which the appropriations are made. roMaintenance of SEC. 616. Any appropriation available to the Air Force, Army, or the Navy may, under such regulations as the Secretary concerned may prescribe, be used for expenses incident to the maintenance, pay, and allowances of prisoners of war, other persons in Air Force, Army, or Navy custody whose status is determined by the Secretary concerned to be similar to prisoners of war, and persons detained in such custody pursuant to Presidential proclamation. Transportation of SEC. 617. When personnel of the Air Force or Army are ordered to personal motor ve- hicles. make any permanent change of station, motor vehicles owned by them for their personal use (not to exceed one vehicle per person) may be transported to their new posts of duty on Government-owned vessels. Use of receipts from SEC. 618. During the current fiscal year, without deposit to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States and withdrawal on money requi- sitions, receipts of public moneys from sales or other sources by officers of the Air Force or the Army on disbursing duty and charged in their official accounts, except receipts to be credited to river and harbor and flood-control appropriations, may be used by them as required for current expenditures, all necessary bookkeeping adjustments of appro- priations, funds, and accounts to be made in the settlement of their disbursing accounts. Minorconstrction, SEC. 619. The Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Navy are authorized to expend out of Air Force or Navy appropria- tions available for construction or maintenance such amounts as may be required for minor construction (except living quarters), exten- sions to existing structures and improvements at facilities of the ost limitation. department concerned, but the cost of any project authorized under this section which is not otherwise authorized shall not exceed $30,000 except that, whenever in the judgment of the Secretary of Defense the interests of national defense so require, such appropriations shall be available for construction projects of a temporary nature without regard to such limitation, and the cost of any such temporary project authorized under this section which is not otherwise authorized shall not exceed $100,000. Construction of SEC. 620. During the current fiscal year, appropriations contained in this Act (except those for liquidation of prior contract authoriza- tions) shall not be obligated for construction of family quarters for personnel at a cost per family unit in excess of $14,040 on housing units for generals; $12,040 on housing units for majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels, or equivalent; $11,040 on housing units for sec- ond lieutenants, lieutenants, captains, and warrant officers, or equiva- lent; or $10,040 on housing units for enlisted personnel, except that when such units are constructed outside the continental United States or in Alaska, the average cost per unit of all such units shall not exceed $25,850 and in no event shall the individual cost exceed $35,000. The 62UtS np alast proviso of section 3 of the Act of June 12, 1948 (Public Law 626), § 626p; ' U. s . c. and the last proviso in the next to last paragraph of section 3 of the p2tat. 462 .33 Act of June 16, 1948 (Public Law 653), shall not be applicable to 4U. si.C., upp. appropriations contained in this Act, in the Military Functions IL It 911b-911d . 62 stat. 647. Appropriation Act, 1949, or in the Second Deficiency Appropriation 62 Stat. 1027 . Act, 1948, in cases where the Secretary of the Department concerned determines that the erection of prefabricated family quarters will be more advantageous to the United States than multiple type dwellings of conventional construction. nerofsppies, SEC. 621. After June 30, 1949, in the discretion of the head of the department or organization concerned, (1) services, work, supplies, materials, and equipment may be rendered or supplied by one depart- ment or organization within the National Military Establishment to