Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1078

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 790-OCT. 29, 1949 West to East sixteenth line of Section 31; thence North to East and West quarter line; thence East to East quarter corner of said Section 31; thence North to North line of the South half of the South half of the North half (S1/2SN/ 2N/2) of Section 32; thence East to East Section line; thence North to South line of the North half of the North half of the North half (N1/2 N1/2 N1/2 ); thence West to East sixteenth line of Section 31; thence North to North Section line; thence West to Northwest corner of said Section 31, Township 148 North, Range 92 West of the 5th P. M.; thence North to South sixteenth line of Section 25, Township 14 North, Range 93 West of the 5th P. M.; thence West to East sixteenth line; thence North to East and West quarter line; thence West to center of Section; thence North to North quarter corner of said Section 25; thence West to West sixteenth line of Section 24, thence North to North line of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (S1/2 NE1/SW1/ 4 ); thence East to East Sixteenth line; thence South to South Section line; thence East to Southeast corner of said Section 24, Township 148 North, Range 93 West of the 5th P. M.; thence South to the North line of the South half of Lot 2, Section 30, Township 148 North, Range 92 West of the 5th P. M.; thence East to North and South quarter line; thence South to center of Section; thence East to East quarter corner; thence North to Northeast corner of said Section 30; thence East to East line of the West half of the East half of the North- west quarter (W2E1/2NW1/) of Section 29; thence South to East and West quarter line; thence East to East sixteenth line of Section 28; thence South to South sixteenth line; thence East to West sixteenth line of Section 27; thence North to East and West quarter line; thence West to West quarter corner; thence North to Northwest corner of said Section 2; thence West to East sixteenth line of Section 21; thence North to East and West quarter line; thence East to West sixteenth line of Section 22; thence South to South sixteenth line; thence East to East line of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter W1/2SE;4SW4) ; thence South to South Section line; thence East to South quarter corner of said Section 22; thence South to North line of the South half of the North half of the Northeast quarter (S1/2NyNE/) of Sd ection; thence East to East line of said Section 27; thence South to North sixteenth line of Section 26; thence East to West line of the East half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter; thence South to South sixteenth line; thence West to the West sixteenth line; thence South to South Section line; thence East to East sixteenth line; thence North to South sixteenth line; thence East to East Section line; thence North to Northeast corner of said Section 26; thence East to North- east corner of Section 25; thence North to South sixteenth line of Section 24; thence West to East sixteenth line; thence North to North Section line; thence East to Northeast corner of said Section 24, Town- ship 148 North, Range 92 West of the 5th P. M .; thence South to North sixteenth line of Section 19, Township 148 North, Range 91 West of the 5th P. M .; thence East to West sixteenth line thence South to East and West quarter line; thence East to center of Section; thence South to South sixteenth line; thence East to the East Section line; thence South to the Southeast corner of said Section 19; thence East to South quarter corner of Section 20; thence North to North sixteenth line; thence West to West sixteenth line; thence North to South sixteenth line of Section 17; thence West to West Section line; thence North to North sixteenth line; thence East to West sixteenth line; thence North to North line of said Section 17; thence West to the West line of the East half of the West half of the Southwest quarter [63 STAT.