Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1338

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Air Force, Department of the-Con. Professional and scientific service, addi- tional positions in -------------- Proving ground for guided missiles, es- tablishment, authority -_ __ _ _ -- - Appropriation for ---------- _----- Public works, designated, construction authorization____ --- -- --- -- --- -- Appropriation authorized- -- _- --- _- Appropriation for ---- _-----_---- Real property, acquisition and con- struction, appropriation for; con- tract authority ----------- _----- Receipts of public moneys, use of-- _ - . Reclamation, Bureau of, transfer of surplus aircraft, etc., to, authority- Research and development- Appropriation for __ . _ _ _- --_ ..--- _ Merger of appropriations, authority__ Reserve components- Appropriation for----------------- Disability or death in line of duty, provision for benefits; appropri- ation authorized ----- _ ___ ___ - Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations-------- ---------- ____ Pensioners, etc., restriction on pay and expenses --------------__ Retirement, annual service credits, amendment of Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retire- ment Equalization Act of 1948 - Retired pay, appropriation for _- -- _ __ Retirement, physical disability. See Career Compensation Act of 1949. Salaries, expenses, and administration- Appropriation for ------------- __ . Limitation on expenditures and obli- gations---.................... Salary increases for certain Depart- mental officers --------------__ Schooling, dependents of personnel on military installations, funds avail- able-------------------- _- __ _ ._ Secretary, compensation-- ----- --- __ Increase ----------


Transfer of property, personnel, etc., between Departments of Air Force and Army, time extension of au- thority ------------- .- -- - ______ Transfers of functions and funds, au- thority -------- _____--__-__-__- Unitary Wind Tunnel Plan Act of 1949_ Appropriation for acquisition and construction of real property; contract authority- -__-----___ United States Air Force- Page 410 66 876 944 945 980 980 1020 785 1015 876 1016 202 1025 1018 693 988 1017 1025 880 1021 585 880 592 988 936 980 Appropriation for ------------- 245, 1013 General of the Air Force, establish- ment of grade-----------_- - -- - - 65 Air Force, Department of the-Con. Page Utilities in vicinity of naval or military activities, sale, authority --------- 577 Valparaiso, Fla., operation of tract of land as recreational facility, author- ity---------------------------- 566 Vehicles, privately-owned, transporta- tion on change of station --------- 1020 Veterans. See separate title. Veterans' organizations, national, loan of equipment, terms; bond-------- 483 Vitalization and Retirement Equaliza- tion Act of 1948, Army and Air Force, amendment, annual service credits of reserve components ----- 693 War trophies and devices, funds for distribution ---- ------- _----_--- 1021 Air Force, Secretary of. See Air Force, Department of the. Air Force, United States. See United States Air Force under Air Force, Department of the. Air Force Reserve. See Reserve com- ponents under Air Force, Department of the. Air Mail Service: Alaska, funds for---------------. ---- 248 Domestic- Appropriation for----------- 371, 747, 982 Transfer of funds from------------- 746 Foreign, funds for- _ 87, 249, 371, 747, 877, 982 Air Museum, National, appropriation for_ 649 Air National Guard: Appropriation for ------------------ 1016 Career Compensation Act of 1949. See separate title. Claims, appropriation for payment - - 1015 Limitation on expenditures and obliga- tions-------------------------. 1025 Pensioners, etc., restriction on pay and expenses----------------------- 1018 Air-Navigation Facilities. See Civil Aero- nautics Administration. Air Warning and Control Installations, Land-Based: Appropriation authorized--------_ _ __ _ 18 Appropriation for ---------------- - 1014 Establishment, authority of Depart- ment of Air Force ------ _--_----- 17 Airport Act, Federal. See Federal Airport Act. Airport Property, Surplus, use of struc- tures as industrial plant, repeal of restriction; terms of conveyance, enforcement authority of Civil Aero- nautics Administration.- - -- - -- - -- - 700 Airports. See Federal Airport Act. INDEX VIII - -" "